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Silence hurts more then harsh words.

Some may say that if you don't have anything positive to say, don't speak at all. But silent Korra was killing her. Asami rathered she'd scream, yell, say terrible things to her then keep quiet the way she did.

But truth be told, a part of her was glad Korra wasn't communicating as much, the two still had about two days worth of travel, and Asami wasn't sure she could stop herself from running away with Korra if the tan girl suggested that again.

So she settled on quiet, unwillingly keeping her distance from the knight, though all she wanted was to taste those delicious brown lips again, to feel that warm body pressed against her, just one more time...

Well, one time isn't such a bad idea, isn't it?

She stopped herself before she managed to get a word out. It would be cruel playing with the knight's feelings like so. She made her decision, and now she had to live with it. Sending Korra mixed messages like that would only plant false hope in the girl's heart.

Asami sighed, watching Korra continuing to walk in a fast pace. Just as well, she thought to herself. It would do more harm then good for Asami too, it would give her a small taste of what could've been, which will only make what will happen much much harder.

She knew Korra was hurt, she knew that she was the source of that pain, but it didn't mean Asami wasn't hurting too. She was sad, heartbroken, frustrated and scared. She was as scared of the thought of never seeing Korra again just as much as she was scared her to leave Satora.

Unfortunately, Asami was a coward.

She was fearful of what will happen to her if they were to run away, what will happen to her people, what will happen to her father, what will happen to her...

And worst of all, she was afraid of what will happen to the two of them.

Sure, knew Korra cared about her dearly, she expressed those feelings times and times again. But they only knew one another for a limited amount of time, and Asami wasn't sure that after the thrill of the forbbiden love would pass, the watertriber would still see something in her at all, and selfishly, Asami preferred ending things on those terms then to feel the painfull stab of rejection.

Truth be told, Asami wasn't that great, was she?

Not Korra great anyways.

Korra was... Incredible. Asami found the tale of how she managed to leave her entire life and become such a great warrior admirable. She knew better then anyone how hard this world was on young girls, what kind of expection were probably laid on her for the moment she was old enough to form thoughts. Yet that never stopped her, she was determined, strong and brave enough to leave her entire life behind and march into the unknown, and though she was stubborn, cocky and headstrong, she was a sensetive and sweet girl on the inside. 

She was simply gorgeous, inside and out. Just perfect.

And seeing her so defeated... It broke Asami's heart. The princess was used to seeing the playful, confident and joyful side of her, and suddenly, this girl was gone and replaced with this newer, misrable version of her.

That alone almost made Asami change her mind. Almost.

Though she acted very confident in her decision while confronting Korra, at heart she was very hesitant and confused. She kept going back and forth, questioning herself, feeling timid and uncertain about her desicion, about everything.

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