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Asami had forgotten what it's like to be someone's property.

This had to be the worst day in her life. From the moment she arrived, her mood just became ten times worst then before, her father barely acknowledge her return, in fact, she had haven't spoken to him the entire day, except the morning.

"I do not appreciate you making promises on my part," the king shot out harshly the moment the servants led Korra away.

"Apologies, father," Asami answered politely, not at all intimidated by his stern tone "I just couldn't help but worry myself... What sort of image  would it project if Satora does not formally thank the knight who saved it's princess?" She lied. When she watched Korra walking away her heart was almost ripped out of her chest, and that's the only reason she invited her former lover to stay.

She was only delaying the inevitable, and deep down, the pale girl knew that. But as long as it wasn't happening right now... She could keep denying, pretending like the goodbye will never arrive.

Hiroshi frowned, wrinkling his forhead and stepping closer, interlocking his fingers behind his back.

"We'll continue on from where we left off," he announced "now that this slight setback is gone, good riddance, we can finally start all of the wedding's preparations ." His eyes met Asami's, a challenging look in them, as if he dares her to protest, dares her to speak against his plans.

But she didn't, it would change a thing anyway, so why suffer for no reason?

"When?" Was all that she asked, making her father's eyebrows shoot up in confusion. But only seconds later a victorious, satisfied smile sneaked to his mouth when he realised her fighting spirit was now defeated.

What a father, huh?

"In four days," he said firmly, placing a hand on Iroh's shoulder, who just grinned widely at the king's way "after that, you'll be moving to the Furyin empire, so you should be packing your stuff."

She couldn't help but curse under her breath. How did she forget about this part? Of course she'd be moving away, Iroh was soon to be king, or lord, whatever it's called in his home.

She'd have to inform Korra... If Korra was actually planning to come visit that is. The tan girl didn't sound convinced while assuring that she will, but still, Asami had to cling onto the thought that she'll do it. Thinking she might never see her again...

It was too much.

But the conflict didn't show on the princess's face, instead she just nodded. Her father seemed to be content with the affirmation, and commanded the remaining servants to accompany her to the princess chamber.

Iroh was also insisted that he needs to accompany her throughout the day, both to keep her safe and to get to know each other. He thought that since their wedding was so rushed, they should've at least spend the limited time they have before it with each other. Technically, he was right, they should get to know each other better before they marry, how was he supposed to know that his mere presence was enough to annoy her? It wasn't his fault that he wasn't the one she wanted to be with, it wasn't his fault that he reminded her of the fact that she will never get to be with Korra, he couldn't have known.

But Asami was determined, determined to not let her annoyance and resent show. So whenever they talked, whenever her future husband complimented her or bragged, she just imagined she was talking to Korra, hearing about her travels, staring into her warm cerulean eyes instead of his ember irisis.

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