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The 14 year old narrowed her eyes, locking them on her target. She then jumped forward and swang her sword, slashing the scarecrow's head with one clean movment. She took a moment to inspect and appreciate the cut, smiling smugly.

"That was a nice hit," she heard a voice from behind her and jumped, hiding her sword behind her back. She spotted a young girl with two long braids, looking at her with a sheepish smile, and she breathed out in relief.

"Suro," Korra smiled "what are you doing here?"

"You've gotten reckless," Suro chuckled "training in broad daylight? You can get caught."

"Then their fate would be the same as this scarecrow," Korra declared with a cocky grin.

Suro rolled her eyes, but her smile widened  "Like you could take on the entire guard."

Korra hummed in response "Not yet, but one day, I will," she said confidentially "and when that day comes, I'll finally leave this shithole."

"I know," the other girl sighed "and I'll miss you," she spoke softly and genuinely.

"No you won't," Korra countered and shook her head "because you are coming with me."


"We'll run away together," Korra persisted "we can go anywhere you want."

Suro smiled sadly "You know I can't do that."

"No one is allowed to run away," the future warrior mused "that's why it's called running away."

"I get that, and I get why you plan to leave, but I..." The braided girl sighed "I just can't."

"Why not?" Korra pressed on "You mean to tell me you really want to stay here? People like us," she gestured between the two of them "we have no place here."

"My family is here," she insisted "I can't turn my back on them, no matter how much I want to, and believe me, I wish I could."

"So you'll stay? Get married to a man? Bring countless children to the world? Serve your 'purpose' as a women? Do you really want to live your entire life just to please other people?" Korra asked in disbelief.

The other girl looked at her with a sorrowful smile and stepped forward, closing the distance between the two and bringing her hand to Korra's cheek, stroking it soothingly.

"I wish I could be like you," she whispered and Korra turned her gaze to the side, averting her eyes and blinking away tears "but I'll never be as half as brave as you are."

"I'm not brave," Korra answered quietly "I'm just doing what I have to do."

"You're the bravest person I know," Suro stated sadly and leaned upwards, placing a kiss on the corner of Korra's mouth.

"My brave little warrior."


Korra did not see it coming.

She was awakened by the princess's scream, and could immediately feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she jumped out as her sleeping bag and grabbed her sword.

As much as Asami annoyed her, Korra grew quite fond of the girl, and watching her be in a potential danger caused Korra a great deal of anxiety, she had to act, and act fast.

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