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Korra couldn't help but compare Asami to Suro.

They looked nothing alike of course, Asami was a tall, slender women who's body looked like it was sculpted by Raava herself, she had brilliant jade eyes and silky wavy hair that seemed to shine brighter then the stars and clashed with her milky skin in the most beautiful way possible. Her pink lips were full and she had the whitest most blinding smile Korra has ever seen in her entire life. It was almost alarming how perfect she was, she definitely projected royalty elegance and grace no matter the scenario, even when she was wearing her ripped nightgown.

Suro in the other hand had a simpler charm. She was a rather short girl with water tribe like features, her skin was lighter then Korra's, her hair was a shade darker and was always tied into two long braids. Her blue eyes were somewhat more vibrant and she had a cute button nose.

But personality wise– They were quite similar. Both the princess and Korra's childhood love were selfless, willing to do anything for the people important to them, even at the cost of their own happiness. They were bold and direct, you would never catch them playing around, they weren't afraid to speak up, no matter how direct it was. The both of them were kind and caring, though Suro always acted on it, while Asami had more of a front when you first got to know her, but once you did, you realised how compassionate she really was. The knight amused herself with the thought that she might've developed a type over the years.

Well, there was a key difference. Suro was well aware that Korra was a girl, while Asami had no idea. Korra felt a little obligated to tell her, now that they were presuing something romantic, but she decided against it. It was just a temporary thing, both the princess and her knew it wouldn't work out in the long term, and agreed to keep it from her father, so if Korra wouldn't tell her, it's really no harm done, right?

Putting that aside, it was quite a coincidence that both Asami and Suro had such similar traits, and what was even more coinsidental is the fact that their involvement with Korra was quite similar as well in the sense that they knew in advance that it won't work out.

Korra remembered clearly being a love struck child, even though she last saw Suro long ago.

She remembered that one time when she was 14, she sat on an iceberg late at night, staring at the waves, deep in thought.

"Hey," she heard Suro's voice from behind and she turned around, Her sapphire eyes meet her lover's blue Tanzanite ones. Suro had a sad smile on her lips as she stumbled towards the future warrior and sat down next to her.

"Is something the matter?" Korra asked in concern, tilting her head slightly to face her completely.

The braided girl sighed "I want to say that I had a rough day, but truth be told, I think I had a rough life."

Unfortunately, Korra could understand exactly what she meant. The both of them had to struggle, and will have to struggle later in life because they weren't like the others, they were different.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

Suro shook her "I'd rather not, besides..." She pecked Korra on the lips "You make me feel better just by being around me," she said lovingly.

Korra grinned, leaning in to kiss her deeply and passionatly.

Every time their lips met, Korra could feel the entire world fade around her, like nothing else mattered. She cupped Suro's jaw, letting herself get lost in the moment. Korra could never explain this, but she always felt so alive when Suro was next to her, like she was the only person in the world that saw her, and nothing ever felt more right then kissing her.

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