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"You can't do that!" Asami shouted, tears forming in her eyes.

"I can, and I will!" Hiroshi stood up in anger "I'm your father, not to mention the bloody king! You will do as I say!"

"Please," she pleaded "please don't make me do it! Please father..."

"I won't hear it," the king waved her off "I already made up my mind, you need to be less selfish about this and do what's right for your kingdom!"


"Asami, stop it!" He shouted, making her wince "You're being rude to our guest," he scolded her.

She glanced over her shoulder to see the prince, who's been standing there silently and awkwardly the entire time, unsure of what to make of their exchange.

"I need some air," she mumbled, bolting out of the throne room, barely able to see anything behind the water in her eyes.

"Asami," She heard a vague voice behind her and she picked up her pace, trying to run away from the voice as it kept calling her name, trying to run away from everything, and everyone. But she couldn't, and no matter how fast or how far away she ran, the voice only became closer and louder.


"Leave me alone!" She screamed back.


The environment started to blur out around her, she watched in horror as everything faded to darkness, and she fell to her knees, burrying her face in her hands "Please..." She chocked out.


Her eyes burst open and she surged forward, panting. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't at the palace nor was she in total darkness. She was leaning against a tree next to a river, and the voice calling her name was non other then Ki's, who kneeled before her, looking at her with a concerned expression.

"I fell asleep?" The princess breathed out, wiping away sweat from her forhead.

"You did," Ki affirmed "and then you started stirring and panting... Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she answered quickly, getting up and fisting her hands, trying to stop them from shaking.

He sighed "Asami..." He started.

"I said I'm fine!" She snapped, and he flinched, taken aback. She immediately regretted her outburst, just as their relationship started to improve...

"I'm sorry..." she apologized quietly, worrying her bottom lip.

"It's alright," Ki replied, but the words didn't reach his eyes, he didn't look mad, he looked almost... Disappointed, like he expected more of her "we should probably get going," he murmured and got up, grabbing his sword and bag and starts walking.

In all honesty, Asami had to admit she misjudged the guy. Sure, he was arrogant, cocky and utterly annoying. But he had a kind, caring side as well, as if he'd actually feel bad if something would happen to her, and not only on a physical aspect- on an emotional one too. The earlier conversation lingered in her mind, Ki was the first person to ever tell her she needs to take care of herself, to live her life, the first person to actually care about her well being. Everyone else in her life would tell her she had to return to Satora, that as a princess, she was obligated to take care of her kingdom, whether it costs her her happiness or not. But not him, he was... Different.

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