The knight

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"We should set up a camp here before it gets too dark," Asami heard Ki saying from behind her.

"What? You're tired already?" She taunts him with a raised eyebrow, turning around to see him taking off his bag.

He groaned in frustration "Do you mind casting off your attitude for two seconds?" He grumbled, irritated.

"I actually do mind," Asami answered sarcastically, and sat down next to a near criajo tree, shivering a little from the cold.

The knight took off his helmet for the first time since they met, and Asami got a good look at his face. He had dark brown hair that was tied in a neat bun with a few strands falling losely over his forhead. She could tell he wasn't from the area, judging by his carmel skin tone. She kept scanning his soft features, before her gaze fell on his sapphire blue eyes, and her breath hitched, as if she was drowning inside the ocean they held.

He took off his armour next, staying with his azure gambeson that matched his eyes, But somehing about the guy was... off, she couldn't quite put her finger on it, but he had something weird about him. The pale girl narrowed her eyes in concentration while she continued scanning him, seeing his posture, realising he's squaring his jaw in effort to make it look more defined and constantly clenching his eyebrows for some reason. That's when she realized... He looks a bit too young to be a knight.

"How old are you?" She asked curiously out of the blue, his eyes widened in suprise.

"Eighteen?" he answered slowly with a hint of confusion in his tone, perhaps wondering for what reason  she was willingly speaking with him.

That's odd... She poders and looks at him in confusion, I could've sworn

"I know what you're thinking," he said, bringing her back from her thoughts "People always tell me I look so much younger," he chuckled and removes his  gambeson. He was now wearing only a sleeveless undershirt that was a few sizes too big for him, but it exposed his arms, showcasing his perfect biceps which immediately caused Asami to stare...

No, bad Asami, she scolded herself, you shouldn't be thinking that, you know you can't.

"You also don't have a beard," she pointed out "and by the looks of it, you have no need in shaving either."

He shrugged "That's my curse and blessing, looking much younger than I actually am."

They went silent, awkwardness lingering between them as moments went by.

At this rate, this is going to be a long week.

"I'm nineteen," she informed, breaking the silence. Unsure of how the information benefited him. After all, he was just another knight, he did not care to get to know her, she was another delivery that would grant him a generous reward. Like a peice of meat.

A sudden cool breeze caused her to shiver, she hugged herself and rubbed her shoulders with her palms, trying to warm herself up.

"Are you cold?" Ki asked and took out a sleeping bag, throwing it to her "You can sleep in this tonight."

She frowned and threw it back to him "I don't need your favours," she spat out, turning her head away.

He rolled his eyes and got closer, handing her the bag once again "I don't want you freezing to death on my watch." He said sternly "Just grab the damn bag."

Asami looked at him, still not taking it "And where would you sleep?" She asked him hesitatantly.

He chuckled "I grew up in snow, I think I'll be alright." He said with a lopsided grin.

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