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This is wrong.

This is so wrong.

This is so fucking wrong.

Then why does it feel so right?

The princess sighed against Ki's lips, cupping the sides of his jaw and deepening the kiss, swirling her tounge around his.

He put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer, into his lap, pressing their bodies together.

Asami could've sworn something wasn't right about the embrace, but she was so drunk and so lost in the moment, that she didn't dwell on the thought. Instead, she decided to just let it happen, live in the moment.

For once, she didn't care about what happens next, she didn't worry herself with her duties, or the kingdom, or anything.

The only thing she cared about was keeping her lips on this gorgeous human being. Everything else is sober Asami's problem, not hers.

At this moment in time, I'm his.

"Ki..." The Satorian whimpered, threading her fingers into his hair, making strands fall out of his bun and onto the back of his neck. She held him close, making sure he can't get away from her, even though she could tell by his body language that he had no intention of doing so.

"Hate to interrupt you two love birds," Asami heard a female voice from besides her and pulled back, looking to see the women from before, smiling awkwardly "but I'm closing the bar, did you want to get another drink?"

"No thanks," Ki declined "I think we had enough... We should head to bed anyway."

The pale girl couldn't help but chuckle. By the nonchalant way he said that, he probably didn't realize the implication of his statement. But Opal definitely caught it, nodding with a slight pink blush before heading quickly to the back room.

Asami turned her gaze back to the knight, and her heart fluttered at the sight. His hair was messy and barely clutching onto his bun, his lips were swollen from kissing and slightly parted. He locked his eyes with her, his gorgeous ocean blue Irises gazing deep into her soul with a lustful, somewhat desperate look. She started giggling uncontrollably and burried her face in the crook of his neck.

"What's so funny?" The tribal man groaned, sliding his hands to her back and rubbing it in circles.

"You," the princess snickered "you're so cute..."

"Cute? I'm not cute!" He complained "Did you not hear how many monsters I slayed?"

"To be honest, I wasn't listening..." She said in a low flirtatious tone, raising her head to his ear "I was just eyeing you up and down the entire time..." She whispered, smirking as she felt him shudder beneath her as a result of her hot breath against his ear.

"Asami..." Ki breathed out with a rough, raspy voice, fisting his hands into the fabric of her nightgown.

"Yes?" She wrapped her full lips around the word, brushing a strand of stray hair behind his ear and eyeing him up and down again, making sure he caught the notion.

His reaction was immediate. His cheeks flushed bright red and his teeth sanked into his bottom lip. His breath became husky and his eyes filled with desire. Asami had to pat herself mentally on the shoulder. The guy went from hating her guts to looking at her like she's the only thing in the world.

That was quite an achievement.

"We should head to the room..." The Knight mumured.

Her grin widened "Carry me?" She asked Ki with a sweet, innocent voice.

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