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5 years later:

"Are you ready?"


"C'mon I'll catch us!"


With a winning grin, Korra gave one last look to the slide they were on. It was a water slide, and the two were on a wooden surface ready to test it out.

"Okay, ready." Korra said, wrapping her arm around the petrified Ki, and with her other arm she signaled the guy in charge to push them.

And so, he did. Immediately as they were starting to catch speed, Ki let out a high pitched scream of fright. So, being the incredible mother that she is...

Her eyes turned white and power started pumping through her veins. She swung her free arm in order to move the water around them, and in result they gained more and more speed, making Ki release another yelp.

"Moooooooom!" He yelled.

The edge of the slide came, but Korra didn't slow down, in fact, she moved faster. And when they reached the end of the ramp, the two were sent flying into the pool she created earlier, and landed with a huge splash of water around them.

Her son was panting heavily, while she was just laughing like a maniac, letting the glow in her eyes fade away. As he calmed down, he turned to her a little, and with a frown he slapped her arm.


"No powers!" He whined. "That was scary."

"Sorry," she chuckled, messing his slightly damp hair, "but it was our last task for today! I wanted us to have fun together"

Ki didn't answer, he just took out his toungue and untangled his seatbelt, jumping into the pool and climbing out of it. The chief grinned, her eyes glowing white again as she ordered the water to carry her out.

"So?" The guy in charge of the slide asked hopefully.

"It's awesome!" Her son answer enthusiastically. "Ki-approved."

"Well, that's the best kind of approvement," the man, Bu, said, relief lingering in his tone.

"And how did I do?" Ki turned to Korra, nervous and hopeful.

"I think you did great," Korra smiled, messing his head and making him snicker, "in fact, I think you did so great, that I will allow you to join your mother and I in the welcoming of the delegation from Satora today."

His eyes lit up in excitement, and his lips split into a toothy grin. "really? Really really really???"

"Woah, woah, calm down big man," she laughed, "the governor of Satora would be arriving too, so you need to be on your best behiviour."

"I won't let you down!" He squealed.

"Like he's already cheif," the man in charge of the water slide said, chuckling, "the Satorians are coming to the festival today?"

"Yes," Korra affirmed.

It wasn't very surprising that it caught his attention, given that Bu, like many other citizens, used to be a Satorian soldier against his will. As it turned out, a lot of the soldiers in the Satorian force weren't there by will, but because their lives of their family's lives were threatened.

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