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A smile formed into my lips. Remembering how Taeyeon unnie and Yuri unnie acted with me. Hahaha! We should start making our own Korean Drama! We three are good at acting, we even convinced Yoona unnie to be My Brother's Secretary. The moment Taeyeon and Yuri unnie covered me is when I start dialing My Brother's number I even 'shush' quietly to stop Minho oppa talking and just listen to what will happen next.

So our plan worked right? Hahahaha lol. Those two unnie really love My Brother for their second Maknae. And yeah they don't really brought me to the Airport, it's only an excused so that they can left Yoona unnie and Minho oppa alone.

I am now here at the taxi, heading to the Airport. After I took my stuffs on my penthouse I immediately left, we need to check-in three or two hours before our flight. Bambam and I decided to meet at the boarding area, he was already there. That made me feel guilty, I let him wait for me when he should not. He is a Kpop Idol for god sake! What if some fans get noticed him, ugh I will be very doomed if that ever happens!

My Brother already know that I am leaving Korea with Bambam, in fact the both of them are close to each other. Minho oppa will follow on Tomorrow morning with Yoona unnie. Yeah, that was his plans. He still needs to explain my side on our family that's why he needs to come. I am a bit nervous though, I only have a week to practice my whole performance.

As I arrived at the Airport I called Bambam to ask where he was and he said he is already waiting inside the boarding area. I end our call, pulling my luggage to head straight on the check-in counter. I gave my luggage and passport in the counter before I took my boarding pass.

I head to the last security process before I fully entered the boarding area. Bambam said he was sitting near the boarding gate. So I did go there to find him, he wave his hands when he saw me. I smiled. He was fully covered not wanting to be recognized by their fans. Well, he should bear that since it was his idea on becoming an Idol.

"Yow, Lalice!" He raised his right hand waiting for me to give him a high five.

"Yow, Bammie!" I brushed my hand to his. He smiled, following my movements as I sit beside him.

"You are lucky that I saved some sit for you because look all of the seats are already taken." He said, removing his mask off.

I look around. Bambam is right, all of the sits are occupied not by a person but a paper with 'reserved' written on it. I gave Bambam a questioning look but he just shrugged his shoulder as a answer that he doesn't know the reason too.

Oh yeah! I remember Bambam book a private plane, so this is might be the other reason why this boarding area are not that crowded. Maybe Rich Families or some Businessmen are the only ones here with us.

Maybe I should take a nap first. We still have two hours before our plane lands here to pick us up. I am tired, having one hour sleep makes me feel dizzy. I didn't got enough sleep yesterday because I started practicing some of the dance steps that Bambam sent to me.

I have to dance it perfectly for more chance of winning that is why I started practicing earlier and advance. Bambam is only my partner he has his own steps too. But of course we have our own skin to skin steps as well. Dance is always like that and I have already got used to it ever since I started studying dance lessons

"You sleep?" I heard Bambam asked as he saw me wearing my sleeping mask.

"Yeah." I answered as I leaned my head on his shoulder. We are always like this okay? We don't give it some other meaning because we are only childhood friends, we treated each other like siblings. So it's fine for the both of us.

Well sometimes we can't avoid about other people accusing us if we are couple or something. Lol, no big deal because Me and Bambam would just laugh over it.

I yawned before closing my eyes. When I was about to reach my dreamland, Bambam suddenly talked.

"Is that Sehun?" He asked casually making me jolted up from my sit.

"What?! Where?!" I panicked. He secretly pointed where Sehun was. And no doubt! It was really Sehun! He was not wearing any mask nor hat that could hide his face. He really exposed his face.

"Ohhh I guess he was the another reason why they didn't allowed other people to wait here." Bambam said as I turned around facing him. Because Sehun suddenly looked on our direction.

"So he was going on Thailand too huh? Or maybe in Taiwan?" Bambam said that made me look at him. "This boarding area has two flight Seoul to Bangkok and Seoul to Taipei." He explained that made my mouth formed into a 'o' shape.

I don't care. So I sat back beside Bambam, pulling down my sleeping mask. I leaned back my head on his shoulder before I continue going on my dreamland.


"Lalice..." I heard a voice called. It was also shaking my shoulders gently.

"Yah! Stop nagging!" I warned as I tried to move.

"Our plane will arrived in five minutes, Lalice. So wake up and fix yourself up." I realized that it was Bambam. Making me groan in irritation.

I want to sleep more! But like what Bammie said I have to prepare before our plane arrived. I lazily removed my sleeping mask on my eyes, putting it back on the pocket of my hand bag.

"Hey, Bam... I am still half asleep I'll just go on the restroom to wash my face and wake myself up." I said as I wore my yellow jacket. I saw him nodded. So I put the hoodie on my head, covering my sleepy face a bit.

Damn! The Restroom was full! I can't even get inside. Yeah, I remember people always use restroom when the airplane will arrived soon. Shit! This ain't good. I am going to be late on the Boarding Gate Lane with Bambam.

I excused myself. Trying to get in, even though it's impossible. But hey, I made it. Hahaha! I immediately wash my face, the cold water really wakes me up. I took my small towel to dry my face. After drying I put some light make up too.

The Maze runner starts now. I hurriedly get out of the restroom as I finished fixing myself even though it is very hard to get through. Bambam said in Five minutes the plane will arrive, I think I have already reached ten minutes staying at the restroom.

Oh shit! Gotta run faster. I was about to fasten my run when I suddenly get bump on someone. "Sorry!" That was the only thing I said because I was really in hurry. I look to the someone I have bumped into, but too late. I only saw a man wearing black hoodie jacket.

"Let's go, Bam! I am really sorry." I apologized while catching my breath.

"No, don't be sorry. It's alright. The Boarding Gate have just opened anyway." He said with an reassuring smile while wearing his adidas belt bag.

I nodded, giving him my sweet smile before we decided to go give our boarding pass.


Hi guys! I'm sorry for the late update. The reason why I update so late because I have wondering since this is the last Fangirl story and the Plot of this book have been decided...

Should I make a Fangirl Liskook Book 2?

I have already an Idea and some Plot for Book 2 if you guys want to. Just let me know please, I need your answers asap. I will wait till Chapter eight or ten maybe? Thank you for cooperating mwah!!

~ Anndeukie

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