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"What the hell, Pranpriya! Just go and perform without Bam." Minnie unnie tried pushing me since I am still processing everything.

"Unnie... No... My dreams... Their gone. I'm gonna lose in this competition." Tears fall down on my cheeks. I am hundred percent sure that I'm gonna lose this if Bambam doesn't appear. He's very important on my performance!

But what now?! That fucker! Why didn't he tell me earlier so I could have find someone to replace him! Fuck.

Ralph... Ralph My Cousin is gonna win this. I am sure of that. Their Intro, Music, Choreography, Performance, Outfit, Stage Presence, and his Partner they are all good! How is it possible for me to beat him when Bambam are now gone.

"Shhh. Pranpriya! Don't cry, please. Uncle have been calling you for twice now. Just go and perform, show them what you've got. Don't worry I am sure your outfit would get a high score. Goodluck!" She said.

I sighed. I can't let them wait. I walked towards the DJ who's handling the entire music for the contestants. I gave him a nod signaling that I am going to start my performance now. He showed his thumbs up meaning it's all set. I saw My Family's table, they are looking for me worried.

I'm sorry Mom, Dad, Oppa. I'm really a disappointment in your Family.

"Please welcome the last performer Pranpriya Lisa Manoban!" I heard everyone clapped. But what shocked me the most is

"Go, Lalisa! Whooooo! We love you!"

I heard a familiar voice cheered from the crowd. It was woman's voice. No one calls me Lalisa except for Jungkook and Jennie unnie. But what is Jennie unnie doing here?!

When the intro played I started performing some of the choreography. After the intro there would be ten seconds for me to prepare on my pose in my first dance. All of my first three dance are solo and the last two is supposedly partnered with Bam. Hence, I think I have to dance it alone later.

I am now ready for my pose, waiting for the music play.

As the first performance ended it immediately change into a new one.

When the next music came. I brought an chair with me to perform my good thing dance. But what made me shocked is everyone goes wild when I started dancing señorita. My nervous are now gone, their cheers lighten my mood too. Well. That's not the real performance yet. Let me show you what's the real performance is. I smirked when the third part came.

Everyone was really going wild. They were squealing, screaming, jumping, and clapping as I do my swalla performance. See? I told you that's what you call dance performance. I took a glance on My Family table and they are all happy while cheering me. I hope, I made you all proud even if I lose.

That made me bitterly smile. But it immediately changed into a scared one when the next music came. It was the dance partnered by Bambam.

Shit. This is disaster.

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