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What are they doing here?!

"Hey, Baby. Answer me." Jungkook held my shoulders to face him. "Is this shit your fucking Ex Boyfriend who cheated on you?!" I can saw the hint of anger in his eyes while asking me that. I looked down and nodded.

I saw him looked away as he clenched his jaw.

"Look who's here. It was the Golden Maknae of Bangtan Sonyeondan." Sehun chuckled. "What are you doing here? Can you please leave? Because I am having a nice talk here with My Girlfriend." Sehun smirked that irritates the hell out of me.

"Oh really?" Jungkook also smirked. "Then fuck you!" I gasped when Jungkook punched Sehun. So as Taehyung oppa, he keep punching and punching Kai oppa.

"Stop!" Jennie unnie shouted making Jungkook and Taehyung oppa stopped punching Kai oppa and Sehun. Unnie pulled Taehyung oppa while I pulled Jungkook away from Sehun. I hugged him to prevent him punching Sehun again.

Sehun and Kai oppa are struggling to stand. But they still manage to stood up. Their faces have bruises and cuts.

"Thank you for saving me but do not make any scene here, please. I'm fine, promise." I was shocked to see Jennie unnie cupping Taehyung oppa's cheeks.

She was calming Taehyung oppa down. They are both catching their breaths as they look on each others eyes. Taehyung oppa glared at Kai oppa for one last time before he slowly nodded on Jennie unnie.

Taehyung oppa held Jennie unnie's hand before they walk away. Jungkook and I also followed them behind.But before we can walk away I heard Sehun said something.

"Lisa, we are not done yet. I'm gonna make you mine again! Remember that!"

Because of that I felt Jungkook's hand  held my hand tighter. He looked at me  in his worried and mad expression. I shook my head as a sign that he shouldn't listen to what Sehun said. It was all non sense anyway.

We entered an private restaurant so that Jungkook and Taehyung oppa can freely remove their mask. "Right on time! Thank god we decided to go here, if we didn't I don't know what happened to the both of you now!" Jungkook clenched his jaw.

"My instinct were always right." I heard Taehyung oppa muttered. "Why are they bothering you?!" Taehyung oppa asked in his stern and deep voice. It was scary though he looks really mad.

I bet unnie can't explain this. "Jennie unnie's Parents are into business industry. That's why they are fond on the idea of arranged marriage. That is also the reason why Jennie unnie is here. She ran away. This is her third time running away from his arranged Fiancé. Unnie have an agreement with her Parents that Jennie unnie should find someone to marry within a year, but up to now she can't still find one. She only have a month to go before their agreement ends." I explained on behalf of Jennie unnie.

"And what will happen if her agreement with her parents ends?" Taehyung oppa asked.

"She have no choice but to marry her current and last Fiancé that is Kai oppa." I said.

"Really?" Jungkook asked he was a bit shocked.

"So that fucking Jongin is your arranged Fiancé huh?" Taehyung oppa asked that made unnie looked down and nodded her head as a answer of yes. "Here." Oppa lend his handkerchief to Jennie unnie.

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