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"Soobin..." I called from the kitchen.

"Yes, Mommy?"

"Time to drink your medicine."

"But Mommy, I don't want to leave Daddy here!"

He shouted for me to hear. I heard Jungkook laughed that made sighed. Okay, I am getting jealous here. Since Jungkook arrived earlier, Soobin doesn't want to leave his side anymore. He won't even come to me! Hmp! But of course, I just let them be 'cause I know they are longing for each other's presence.

I took the syrup for his fever, spoon and glass of water before heading to the living room. I saw them watching a Pokemon episode. Jungkook is sitting on the couch while Soobin is sitting on his lap, leaning it's head on his Daddy's chest. Making me smile.

"Here, Soobin. Don't worry this is your last take since your fever is already gone. You just need take one more to make sure your fever won't come back again." I said, pouring the syrup on the spoon.

"Go, drink it, Soobin. We'll go out after that." I heard Jungkook whispered to Soobin.

I slowly guided my hand to him, he opened his mouth and drink it. "Taste bad, Mommy..." Soobin frowned. Jungkook reached out for the glass of water and gave it to Soobin, watching his Son drink all of the water.

"Lalisa, let's go. We're already late on Jin hyung's party. But it's okay, I chose to be late so that I can have some time for My Son." He pinched Soobin's cute and puffy cheeks, making the little one giggles.

That's why he called on Jin oppa earlier when we are still on the Line friends store huh? He really wants to be with his Son and it made my heart fluttered. He's happy to know that he has a Son, he accepts and love Soobin even though they just met for a short time.

They cannot be separated now and that worries me. Will Jungkook take Soobin away from me? Are they going to leave me alone?

"Stop thinking, I love the both of you, so you don't have to worry." I was startled when his hand crawled on my waist from behind as he whispered that. I immediately look around and there were no sight of Soobin. "He said, he'll meet you on your walk-in closet." He whispered again this time directly on my ear. His warm breath that hits on my ear made me shiver.

"We'll j-just c-change o-our clothes..." I looked away.

"Okay, don't wore any exposed clothes or else we're not going to the party. Instead, we're going on your room." He licked my earlobe making blushed and immediately walk away from him. I even heard him chuckled before I entered my room.

Fuck, how dare him!

"Mommy, why is your face red? Are you also sick?"

"Ahhh, no, Baby. Let's go." I said pushing him inside our walk-in closet. I let him wore a navy blue button down long sleeve and a denim pants. "Go to Daddy and let him wear your shoes to you." I gave his pair of shoes and messed his hair. He nodded and left me alone.

What the fuck. What should I wear?! Damn that Jungkook! But why should I listen on him? He won't do it anyway. Tss.

So, in the end, I chose this.

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