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"Okay, Jungkook. Now we all know, there's no way for you to sneak out again without us knowing huh?" Jin oppa said while we fix our things. I heard Jungkook chuckled beside me.

"Yes, hyung."

"Hey, Jennie. Don't be shy on us, you're Lisa's friend so automatically you are also became our friend." Jhope oppa said that made Jennie unnie stand up.

"Ahhh... Yes, thank you." Unnie bowed down before giving us her gummy smile. Aww how cutie! I really love her gummy smile. It's cute.

"Lis, you've already finished practicing all of your five performance. Why don't you take your rest for the remaining two days. I am also not available for tomorrow and Thursday because uh..." He scratched the back of his head making my eyebrows shot up.

"What is it?"

"Tzuyu came visit Thailand with her Family... She... She want me to meet her Family." To what he said made me smile.

"Woah! Congrats, Bro! You are now a grown up man!" I teased him. "Joke! I'm fine with it, feel free. You helped me a lot, Bam. Thank you for that, take your rest now too." I tapped his shoulders that made him smile.

"Thanks, Lalice!"

"So, I guess... I can watch My Baby's concert tomorrow..." I looked at Jungkook. He also looked at me but he was shocked.

"Really?!" Jungkook smile widely. He was excited.

"Yeah." I nodded before pinching his cheeks. Aigoo, his bunny smile really looks good on him.

"Since Bambam can't attend. Jennie unnie, can you accompany me tomorrow on their concert?" This time I faced unnie who is sitting on the couch beside-- hmmm. I smell something fishy.

"Sure, I don't have anything to do anyways. I'm staying with you remember." Jennie unnie said that made me smile. Omg! This is exciting!

"What?!" We are all startled when both Jungkook and Taehyung oppa asked that in their high voice.

"Huh?" I look at them confused.

"J-jennie noona is staying w-with you on your h-hotel room?!" Jungkook asked stuttering.

"Uh yes, why?" He didn't answer but I heard him whispered. "Tss. I can't have My Baby alone now. Hmp!"

"I heard that, Jungkook." Jennie unnie chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll let you two have your own time on Lisa's room. She have an extra room, so I am staying there." Unnie said not looking on any of us.

"Okay, come on. Stop that chitchat, we have to go home and rest. I'm hundred percent sure that our energy will be drain tomorrow after concert." Namjoon oppa said and everyone agreed to that.

As we go down of the building, the whole Bangtan bring Me and Jennie unnie with them on the parking lot. Bambam part his ways on us since she have to meet his girlfriend.

"What are we doing here? We can take a bus on our way to--"

"No, Lisa. Jennie have a lot of baggage to ride a bus. Plus, it's fine we are all staying in one hotel anyway." Jhope oppa said, I just embarrassedly nodded at him. I felt Jungkook's hand intertwined with mine. I looked up to him and he mouthed "It's fine." Okay, I admit it. I am nervous because I know that their manager is staying on the van with them. What if...

Aish, I'm back again on my what if's. I should stop and calm myself down instead.

"Manager-nim! We brought a guest. Uh, not a guest really." Namjoon oppa greeted their manager before he signaled Jungkook to talk.

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