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Days have been passed. Jungkook and I always do our practice in midnight, we also became closer and you know what he also became more flirt. He always want to stay with me, he always give me his sweet hugs and kisses, every morning he always cook some breakfast for the both of us and what makes me fall even more is every time we part our ways or bid our goodbyes he would always say

"Goodnight, My Lalisa. I love you."

"Sleep early okay? Stop forcing yourself, take your rest. Gotta go now, love you."

"Bye! Goodnight, Baby! Sleep well, Saranghaeyo!"

Damn, my heart. Can I still take this? No matter how much I love him, I can't still avoid thinking negative thoughts. You know he's an Kpop Idol, like what he said he was always busy with full schedule. What will happen when we go back to Korea? Everything will go back to normal just Fangirl and Idol relationship again? Yes, I love him. I love him more than he loves me but I am still doubting his love for me.

What if he's only bored and decided to play with my heart?

What if he doesn't really love me and he only wants my body for his own happiness?

What if-- aish. I should stop and just look on the bright side. If this is only temporary then I am going to enjoy this till we part our ways. I know that when we go back to Korea he'll forget about me. So, yeah I'll cherish this short time being with him even though it will only hurt me in the end. Life is really unfair, especially when you're inlove.

Today is Tuesday and this is the last day of our practice with Bangtan because their concert will start tomorrow. I guess I won't be able to stay with Jungkook for two days. He would be very tired because of their concert and that's for sure. I am now fixing my hair in front of the mirror when I heard my door opens.

Okay, I already know who's that.

"Hey Baby..." A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Take care on your way to the building huh?" He pulled me closer that made my back meet his well toned abs and chest.

"Yes, I will." I faced him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave me his cute bunny smile before he stole a peck on my lips.

"See you later?" He asked while staring directly in my eyes. I nodded before hugging me. I don't know. But thinking of him going back to Korea makes me miss him that fast. It makes me want to hug and cuddle with him all day. I buried my face on his neck, sniffing his manly scent that I've always love.

We stayed like that for a while before Jungkook and I left my hotel room. He go back to their room since their practice will start on ten while me I start heading on the same building where our Dance Practice Room is.

"Hey, Pranpriya! How the hell did you that?!" Bambam greeted me with that.

"I did what?" I asked confused as I put down my backpack on the couch. I wait for his answer while I tied my hair into a ponytail. Well this is the first time I tied my hair.

"How did you learn your dance--"

Bambam didn't talk after that, what's going on? He haven't finished talking too. It made me confused and curious at the same time that's why I turned around to face him and I saw his jaw dropped with an amused expression.

"Yah! What happened?!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Woah! I didn't know you would look this pretty with your hair tied up, Lalice!" He was amazed.

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