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"Oh, Hi! Wow! You look so very bobo today, Shia!" I greeted my another second cousin of mine when we met in the middle of eating. I heard Jennie unnie chuckled beside me.

"Huh?" She was confused.

"Ahh I mean you look sexy on your outfit today!" I cleared making her smile in shyness.

"You don't look so bad at youself, Pranpriya. By the way how are you? I heard you're staying in Korea?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." I answered. I flinched when someone tapped my shoulder. It was My Aunty. Cousin of My Dad. "Uh, Shia talk to you later!" I smiled.

"Oh, yes, yes. Sure. Go ahead, I only want to say congratulations on you. That's all."

"Aww, thank you." I gave her a tight hug before we part our ways. I immediately faced My Aunty and hug her too.

"Tangina mo, Aunty! How are you??"

I excitedly said. But Jennie unnie took our attention because she choked on her drink while laughing. She was pointing at me, as she laughed hysterically. My brows furrowed. Thinking what's her problem. I just shrugged my shoulders and faced Aunty again. Maybe she became crazy or she have a illness now.

"Tangina mo?"

"Tangina mo rin." I gave her my sweet and genuine smile. Making Jennie unnie burst in laughing. 

(Their conversation are like: fuck you? Then Lisa said fuck you too. Huhu please forgive Lisa she's innocent she didn't know😭😂)

I saw how My Aunty smiled awkwardly at me. "I mean what's tangina mo?" My mouth automatically formed into 'o' shaped when she asked that. I chuckled and explained to her that tangina mo is used in greetings.

"Oh really? Wow, maybe I should use that too. Don't you think so?" She asked making me smile. "Yes! That would be great, Aunty!" I said. After that small talk I go back eating my food again.

"Yah! Jennie unnie!" I called. She hummed in response. "Why are you laughing awhile ago?" I asked eating a spoonful of rice and buttered shrimp.

"HAHAHAHA! You're so hilarious, Lalisa. I'm just joking about the 'tangina mo' and 'bobo amputa' meaning. They are all cursed words, Lalisa. Meaning fuck you and stupid whore." She laughed again. While me... My jaw dropped. Looking at her shocked.

What the actual fuck?! Omg! That's embarrassing! I have used those words to many people now! "What the hell, unnie!" Jennie unnie laughed even more when she saw my face.

"Welcome, Lalisa. Love you!" And there she laughed again. She does really like making fun of me huh? She enjoys it too much! God dammit!

"Yah, noona! What did you do to My Baby?" Jungkook asked Jennie unnie when he saw me look stupid.

"Ask her."

Jungkook looked at me and I explained everything. And you know what, I regret telling it to him because he also laughed at me like Jennie unnie. I turned my back at him as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Hey, Baby. I won't laugh, again." He hugged me from behind. That made my face heated up.

"Yah! Everyone is watching!" I said pushing him away a little when I saw some eyes watching us. How could they not? Two BTS member is sitting with us. That would probably caught others attention.

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