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"What are we going to do here?" I asked Jungkook when we entered the luxurious mall here in Bangkok. He didn't answer me instead he gave me his death glare again.

"Yah! Answer me--"

"Do you want to receive your punishment right now in front of many people, Baby?" He whispered to my ears that made me shiver. It made my eyes widen and distance myself a bit from him.

"W-what?! Y-yah! Are you kidding me?! There's no way--"

I was cut off when he peck on my lips. "You want it more wilder? Sloppier or--"

"No! No, no, no! I will do it..." I covered my mouth before looking down. I sighed. "Don't make any scene here, you're an Idol remember that, Baby..." Damn it. Why is my face heating up. This is not the first time I called him by that but still--ugh! I immediately look away so he won't see me blushing.

I heard him laugh that made me look at him. Jungkook is gone, for now Kookie is the one who I am with because look how cute he smile at me.

 Jungkook is gone, for now Kookie is the one who I am with because look how cute he smile at me

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"That's more like it, Baby." He held my hand to intertwined it to his. Making me blushed again. Why is he acting so sweet today? "Stay still and just follow me, arasseo?" He gave me his bunny smile again before pulling me closer to him. "And also, always stay close to me huh? I really don't like others looking at your thighs."

I suddenly get embarrassed when he said that, it's not like others won't look at me right?

"Woah, so sexy! Hi there pretty lady!" A group of males looked at me from head to toe.

"Hey, what are you doing?! The Boyfriend is staying by her side, idiot!" One of them said before hitting the head of the one who greeted me. They bowed down as an apologize before they hurriedly left, huh?

Nevermind. "Let's go, Baby--" I was stopped when I saw how dark his aura is. Don't tell me he's mad? Did he gave his death glares to those man? Is that the reason why they hurriedly left?

"Tss. That's what I'm talking about. Let's go, change your outfit." He said and pulled me to continue walking. Okay, Kookie is now gone, Jungkook is back again.

"What?!" Change my outfit?! But how? He already know that I don't have any clothes left and I can't also afford buying here since Khun Pa freeze my card.

He didn't answer and just pulled me to start walking again. We entered the boutique name hmmm what's the name of this Ce- Celine?! What the fuck?! I don't have money to pay for the clothes here!

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