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"Thanks, Yeri! After your work here, let's meet again in Seoul huh?" I said as I pack my stuffs.

"Oh, no worries, Lisa unnie! Just take care of yourself then I'll be fine." She smiled.

"When are you going back in Seoul?" I asked still busy packing my stuffs, putting all of them in my luggage.

"After My Shoot here, I think? Don't worry about me, Lisa unnie." She chuckled. "We're gonna meet again in Korea. I'm going to tell you when I'm on way back, okay?" She said that made me stopped from packing my stuffs.

I faced Yeri and gave her a tight hug. She was my friend here in New York. We are both Models. Traveling around the world for the different Projects and Photoshoots. Uh... Surprise? I also didn't expect to be a Model since this wasn't my passion. Only Jennie and Jisoo unnie made me do it because they are both models.

"Your Victoria Secret Fashion Show was dang perfect! Can't you believe it? Out of many models around the world, they chose you as a part of it. I'm really proud of you!" She said while caressing my back. "Well, you deserve it, Lisa unnie. You deserve all of your success now after experiencing all of the problems and hardships in the past few years." She said like she was very proud, making me shed in tears.

"Thank you, Yeri... Thank you so much." I cried.

"Oh, shhh. No problem unnie, just go and finish packing. I'm sure he's already missing you." She gave me a sweet smile. "Plus, your private plane is already waiting for you! Gosh, unnie." She chuckled making me laugh a bit while drying my tears.

"Yeah, yeah, just don't scold me. I'm older than you!" I said that made the both of us laugh.

Yeri was my only friend in the world of models. Well, except for Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie. But mostly Yeri and I have the same schedule together in different countries for the different shoots. It would be either Endorsing, Ad Making, Photoshoot, Runway Walk or Attending Fashion show.

And of course, I won't forget my dream photography.

If I am a well-known model around the world then I am a well-known photographer in Seoul. A lot of Entertainment would call me to be their Artist photographer, mostly for their Idols comeback.

"Bye, unnie! See you in Seoul!" Yeri waved her hands as I left my luxury condominium. I also bid a goodbye to her before entering my service. Manager unnie is the one driving it, heading to the airport where my private plane is.

As we arrived at the airport, I wore my Jentle Monster sunglasses because a lot of flash will start clicking again when they saw me. And I am not wrong, a lot of fans and camera's are waiting for me inside. I would smile and wave to them as a thank you for supporting me.

"Lisa unnie! We are born in the same country, please take my gift with you. I love you so much." And I did took her gift before waving at her.

"We love you, Lisa!"

"Lisa you're so pretty!"

I kept smiling and waving to them before I entered the boarding area of the airports. I remove my sunglasses as I seated on my private plane with My Manager unnie. You know what guys, I really love using Jennie unnie's Jentle Monster collection. It's pretty and I love it. Of course, what do I expect? That unnie of mine have a great sense of fashion.

I'm going back again in Seoul. I can't wait even though this would be a long flight. New York to Seoul is no joke. My ass would burn in the seat again. I took my rest when they dim the lights. And I was woken up when they turn the lights on again as they start serving my food. It's already breakfast time, I still have five hours left before arriving in Incheon.

My eyes widen when it was bacon, egg, and fried rice! Damn, this looks good. They also served me both coffee and water. I started eating my breakfast but I was stopped when my phone rang. I panicked when I saw it was My Mom! Omg! It's been years since she last called.

"Hi, Pranpriya My Dear Daughter!" My Mom squealed, making me pull the phone away from my ears a bit.

"Hello, Mom. I missed you so much."

"Yeah, I missed you too, Daughter." I heard My Mom sob. "When are you going back here in Thailand? It's been five years since you left. I'm sorry if you had a rough time and we can't be there for you." She said that made me cry.

"No, Mom, it's okay." I tried my best to sound strong when My tears keep coming down.

"You know your Khun Pa... But don't worry we are all proud of you now. You deserve all of those success you've reached. Please visit us just once if you're available."

"Thanks, Mom. And yeah, I'll visit you guys there when I have a free time. I need to hang up, I'm on my way back to Korea. I just finished my fashion show in New York."

"Oh yes, we know! We are watching you and wow I can't believe that you looked so hot and sexy with that bikini outfit of yours." She chuckled. "Go ahead, end the call now. Just take care of yourself and stay healthy huh? I love you, Pranpriya."

"I love you too, Mom." That's when I end the call.

Oh damn this tears, it will going to ruin my make up! After eating my breakfast I retouched my make up since I know a lot of fans will wait for me again on the airport. Five hours have been passed and we arrived in Korea.

I'm so excited to see him again. I missed him so much, even though we just met three days ago before I left for the Fashion Show.

"To Rosé unnie's Company please, Manager unnie." I said when we entered my black BMW car. She nodded before she started driving. "Please call me when I have a sudden schedule, unnie! Bye!" I said when she dropped me off in front of Rosé unnie's Company. She'll just park my car inside the parking lot before she leaves.

I wore my sunglasses again as heading to the elevator. I walk like I was in a Runway, chin up, bag clung on my arm, heels clicking on the floor looking very professional that other employees would stop to look at me.

"Omg! Look! It was Lisa!"

"Yeah! I heard she's our CEO's friend."

I entered the elevator, ignoring all the gossip beside me. I don't care about them because I'm so excited to enter Rosé unnie's office. When I reached the right floor, I smiled at the people inside the elevator making all of them squeal in happiness. It made me chuckle while walking.

Okay, this is it. I sighed. I am now standing right infront of Rosé unnie's office door. I put a sweet and genuine smile before opening the door.

"Look who's here! The supermodel arrived!" My Rosé unnie gasped as if it's the first time seeing me. I playfully roll my eyes at her before roaming my eyes around.

I felt my heart fluttered when I saw his big smile while looking up to me.


~ Anndeukie

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