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~ 🐱 ~

I smirked in victory when I heard her screamed out of frustration. You deserve that bitch. Me? Cheap? Really? When did a Supermodel become cheap? Tss. I think he needs to go see a doctor to check her condition if she was still in her normal state.

"Hey, Lalisa." Jungkook held my arms when I was about to open my car's door.

"What?!" I faced him getting irritated again.

"Let's talk." My irritation left me when he took the key car on my hand before entering the driver's seat. "You'll get in or you want me to carry you?"

I immediately open the passengers seat door and sat down there. I think I was not in myself for awhile because I was startled when Jungkook leaned closer to buckle my seatbelt. I watched him how busy he looks while fixing my seatbelt. I gulped when my stupid eyes go down to his red and plump lips.

"Is Sehun your husband?" I flinched when Jungkook suddenly faced me. I want to laugh at his question. I don't know where he gets that but seriously? What kind of question is that hahaha!

"What if I say yes?" I challenge him.

"Try me." He said in his serious and husky voice. Damn, why is he so serious today? Ever since we start our work earlier he is always serious and grumpy!

I chuckled. "Of course not! Why would I choose him as my husba--"

My eyes widen when he leaned even more to kiss me. I watched him closed his eyes as he pulled my waist closer, making my both hands fall on his shoulder. I didn't how did it happened 'cause I only found myself kissing him back.

I closed my eyes to felt his warmth. He was kissing me passionately showing his love and affection through that. I almost moaned when he suck my lower lip a bit before sliding his tongue inside mine, tasting everything inside me. My gripped on his shoulder tighten as I pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. I met his tongue and sucked it making him groaned.

We only stopped when we both need to catch our breath. "Good to hear that he is not your husband. Because you don't know how fucking jealous I was that I will do everything just to separate you two." He goes back to his seat.

"You're not allowed to be with someone else. You're only allowed to be My Wife, Lalisa. You are only mine and I don't like sharing what's mine with others."


"Hi, can I request for this Pikachu design two layer cake?" I said on the counter, pointing the picture that I have requested. We are now here at the famous cake shop, I need to order some cake for Soobin since his birthday is in two days from now.

Jungkook was looking around, I bet he's confused again. It was his fault anyway. I told him to go home because I have a lot of things to do. But he kept insisting and wants to come with me. Because his reason was we need to talk after. Tss.

Actually I am embarrassed to be with him, after what we did earlier! Aish! Why did I even do that! Why did I let myself-- ugh! Shit! Why am I so fragile?!

"What gender and age Madame?" The woman in the counter asked that made me suddenly felt anxious. Aish, Jungkook is around. But I guess I have no choice.

"Boy and he is five years old." I answered, I took a sideway glance and saw Jungkook is not looking. I sighed in relief. Thank god he didn't heard that.

After going to the cake shop, we go next to the party needs. I bought everything you need when throwing party. From designs, paper utensils, party hats and more. I also bought some foods on the supermarket that we're going to cook on Soobin's birthday. Well, it's not a bad idea to let Jungkook come with me since I have bought a lot, I also have a lot of plastic bags. He brought most of them while he let me brought at least three of them.

"Where do you live?" He asked. I was hesitant at first but I also told him after. It's okay for him to come, Soobin is not home yet. I left him on Rosé unnie remember? I'll just fetch him later after putting all of this stuff home.

"I can bring them, Jungkook!" I whined when he doesn't let me bring any of the plastic bag this time.

I was stunned in my spot when Jungkook smiled before leaning in to give me a peck on my lips. "Just go and lead the way, Lalisa." He chuckled. I looked away when I felt my face heating up. Ugh, asshole!

He entered my penthouse first when I opened the door. I saw him put all of the stuffs in the kitchen counter. So, I followed him there. He looked around while I am pouring some water on a glass. "Uh... Water..." I embarrassedly gave the glass of water on him.

"You live here?" He asked and I nodded. "Alone?" I shook my head as a answer of no. Thankfully he didn't asked furthermore.

"What do you need anyway? What are we going to talk?" I asked following him. I was stopped walking when he stopped in front of me. He faced me and looked directly in my eyes. He started walking towards me that made me do the opposite. "W-what are y-you doing..." I looked away when I felt the cold wall on my back. He leaned closer and cornered both of his hand.

"Comeback to me, Lalisa. Let's start a new relationship again."

To what he said made the memories from five years ago came back on my mind. The moment he pushed me, the day he cheated on me, the way he accused and misunderstood me, those hurtful words, my bleeding foot and sprained ankle. Everything he did came back. Making my heart shuttered again.

"That's impossible, Jungkook." I pushed him away from me.

"Why, Lisa? We can be happy again like we used to. We can start and build new happy memories without worrying anything. I have already fixed and finished all of the problems that I have five years ago. So, please move one from the past and let's just--"

"Do you think it's that easy thing to do, Jungkook?!" A tear fell from my eye. "Do you think those words you left would have removed in my mind and heart that easily? You hurt me so much, Jungkook. You used me right? You don't love me, you accused me and doesn't believe on me. You are the person I was expecting to be there for me because I am hurt but guess what I didn't know that you wold hurt me even more. And I think that's a good reason for us not to be back again, Jungkook."

Yes, I still love you. But I can't bear to be hurt again by you, Baby. I haven't moved on because like what I've said you are the person I loved the most. Yet, this is the good choice for the both of us. We can't be together again, I am just doing such things for My Son. I just want you to meet Your Son and make Soobin happy.

"Oh. So you really believe that?" He chuckled. I saw pain and hurt on his eyes like what I have seen five years ago when I asked him to broke up with me. "I guess you still haven't check my phone out yet."


Aigoo. I really love you all. You are all spoiled to my updates huh? I should have update twice a day but since all of you wanted another update, here I am, updating again. *sighed* y'all are abusing me😭 joke love you all! Mwah!❤️

Anyway, did you like chapter 41? Because I as the author, I can't stop laughing my ass off. I really like it when my characters are being savage.

Who wants more? Because I can make another savage moments hahahahahah.

Btw, Exciting three chapters will come tomorrow. So, sleep tight. Don't get too much excited hahaha.

And oh, to those people who hated Jungkook. Let me laugh for the all of you hihi.
Goodnight, I'm gonna start writing again.

~ Anndeukie

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