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~ 🐱 ~

"Hey, Lisa unnie... Water." Somi sat down beside when she saw me zoning out.

"Thanks." I smiled at her and open the bottled water. We just finished practicing the formation I made, it's our lunch break now and also our last day of practice. Well, we only practice this whole performance for two days since yesterday.

"What's wrong, unnie? Ever since you arrive here, you look like you're out of yourself."

"Oh really? I think I just have slept a little late. So, I'm still sleepy. But I'm fine now, thanks for your concern, Somi." I gave her a small smile. She sighed and nodded at me. Holding my hands before she stand up to eat with Hyuna unnie and Chungha unnie on the floor.

Thank god she bought that excuse of mine. The truth is I just suddenly get nervous about what happened earlier. Because Soobin unconsciously asked for his Father! He doesn't know that he was already mentioning his Daddy! My god, that almost made my heart fall out of nervousness. At first I didn't get to answered his question since I was shocked but still I manage to answer him properly.

"But Mommy... Why do the guy on the chorus saying 'oh my my my' look like me?"

"W-what?!" I panicked, getting nervous. "U-uh... B-because..."

"Because what, Mommy?" Soobin was waiting for my answer, he was really that curious? Fuck.I sighed. Calm down, Lisa. You can't explain properly if you panicked.

"It's because he's an Kpop Idol. Most of the Kpop Idol have almost the same face to other people. Luckily, you manage to look like him."

Please believe on my excuse, Soobin because I am still not ready telling you the truth about your Father. We aren't even on good terms!

"Oh really, Mommy? Then, I want to be a Kpop Idol too when I grow up!" He smiled innocently pointing his finger on up like he was stating a new idea.

"H-huh? K-kpop Idol? I thought you want to be a Engineer?"

"Nah, I changed my mind, Mommy! I also want to dance and sing like them!" After he said that he dance a little, shaking his head and shoulders. That made me chuckle at his cuteness.

Of course that stressed me out! He also wanted to be a Kpop Idol like his Daddy! But what can I do? I am her Mother and the only thing I have to do is to support him on whatever he wants to be.

His dreams should be my dreams too 'cause I don't want him to end up like me. I grew up with no Family supporting me. Their focus was all on My Brother. They only gave support to me when Minho oppa already became a popular Kpop Idol.

After lunch break, we four go back practicing our performance again. This time complete, choreography with formation. We continued practicing until four in the afternoon. We do our cool down first before we took a shower.

"Thank you Lisa for your hardwork!" Chungha unnie hugged me.

"See you tomorrow!" Hyuna unnie gave me a flying kiss while wrapping up. Somi did the same that made me giggle. We are about to leave the Dance Practice Room when the door suddenly opened.

"Mommy!" I almost dropped my bag as I nervously look around. But there's no one with him! How the heck Soobin goes here alone?!

"Hi, Baby. What are you doing here? Why are you here? Who's with you?" I asked series of question when I hug him.

"Mommy, you have a lot of questions." Soobin pouted. "But I came here because I saw you!" He smiled widely.

"Omg! You have a Son, Lisa?!" Hyuna unnie suddenly gets excited. Pulling My Son gently to face her. "Hi, cutie. What's your name?" Unnie smiled, analyzing Soobin from head to toe.

"I'm Soobin Manoban!" He smiled cutely.

"Waaahhh! You're such a cutiee! Give me a hug please!" Somi squealed when Soobin hug her tight.

"Hmmmm... Weird." Chungha unnie said that made us look at her. "Why does he look like someone I know." She crossed her arms staring at My Son even more. Okay, that's enough, they are all making me nervous as hell.

"Yeah, that's what the others said too. " I awkwardly said. "We have to go now, unnie. Bye! See you tomorrow!" I give the three of them a kiss on their cheeks.  "Soobin, give Aunties a kiss on their cheeks too."

Hyung unnie, Chungha unnie and Somi crouch down to level Soobin's height. He gave them a hug and kiss before we left the Dance Practice Room. While walking Hyuna unnie shouted.

"Lisa! Let us meet your little cutie again huh?"

"Yes, unnie! I will!" I shouted back. I held Soobin's hand while heading to the parking lot. As we reached the end of the hallway where you either turn left or right, Soobin suddenly stopped. I stopped walking too and look at him confused.

"Mommy my shoe lace..." He pouted, pointing his shoes with the use of his mouth. I stooped down a little to kiss his cheeks before I crouch down and tie his knot.

~ Third Person POV ~

*Same building and intersection hallway*

(A/N: please work with your imagination because it will come out good. Like they are on kdrama or something.)

"Where's Jungkook?" Namjoon asked while walking as Jungkook suddenly disappeared.

"Jungkookie-yah! Faster! We're late for our meeting." Jimin said, scratching his head a little. He look behind him and saw Jungkook.

"Yeah, hyung. Go ahead! Lemme just tie my shoe lace!" Jungkook said stopping behind Soobin, where Lisa is tying Soobin's shoe lace.

Soobin's back were facing Jungkook, while Lisa can't be seen because she was covered by Soobin's body. Not noticing that the three of them have coincidentally met each other.

"Let's go?" Lisa stood up. Jungkook is still crouching down.

"Yes, Mommy!" Soobin smiled and nodded before he held Lisa's hand again.

When two of them start walking, it is also the time where Jungkook finished tying his shoe lace and stood up to leave.

They slowly passed each other, as destiny just started it's work.

Soobin take a one last look behind them, he saw a tall matured man's back running away from their position. Not knowing he already saw his Father.


~ Anndeukie

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