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"You have a work, Mommy?"

"Yes, Baby. Daddy will take care of you for now." I said while rubbing his body with soap. I was cleaning him up here in the bathtub, Jungkook is watching from behind. I think he wants to learn on how to take care of Our Son.

"Really? Yehey, I won't be taken care of either Aunties or Uncles." He clapped her hands before playing with the bubbles.

"Huh? What does he mean?" Jungkook asked.

I turned around to face him, still cleaning Soobin. "Whenever I have a work, I would left him to My unnies or to Sehun and Bambam. It depends on their schedule whoever is free. Sometimes I would left him on Tzuyu and Yeri's dorm. That the Twice and RV members would always say Soobin looks like someone they know, which is you." I chuckled.

"So they knew more than me huh?" I felt bitterness in his tone.

"I'm sorry, they are the only ones who can help me. While Bambam and Sehun they accidentally saw us, that's why I got no choice but to tell the truth." I said while slowly pouring Soobin with some warm water to remove the soap on his body.

When I finished, I gently lift Soobin out of the bathtub. Jungkook already prepared the towel, I walked towards him and transferred Soobin to his arms that has a towel on it. He wrapped it on Soobin's body before going out of the bathroom. I also go out and took some clothes on our walk-in closet. I gave it to Jungkook and let him take care of Our Son. Besides, I have to leave in two hours.

I go back inside the bathroom and lock the door before taking a warm bath. I brush my teeth and also did my skincare routine. After that, I wrapped the towel on my body and goes out of the bathroom to enter the walk-in closet. Since we are walking on a Runway, I have to impressed them.

So in the end, I chose a black sleeveless dress that ends between my thighs. Actually it's a short and sexy dress totally fits my body, revealing my body curve. When I finished choosing my outfit, I work with my hair and makeup next. Lastly, I wore my jewelries and picked a heels.

"I'm going." I said when I go out of the walk-in closet.

The two of them are sitting on the bed, watching some cartoons on the television. "Bye, Mommy!" Soobin stood up and ran to the edge of the bed to meet me.

"Bye, Soobin. Behave and don't stress Daddy, huh?" I chuckled, I kissed his cheeks and tapped his head. Jungkook were watching us, especially me. His eyes are laid on my whole body. I wave at him before going out of the room.

I was about to open the door of my penthouse when Jungkook held my wrist. I took a glance on his hand before I looked at him confused. "Why?" I asked.

"Don't go." He said that startled me.

"W-what? Why? What do you--"

"Stop working as a Model, I can give all of your needs just leave your work." He said biting his lower lip.

"No, Baby... I have to work, I can't depend on you. We have to help each other."

"But I don't wanna see you wearing those kind of-- fuck. You are too exposed on many people, Baby! And I hate it." He said getting pissed. That was the reason why he wants me to stop working as a Model?

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