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~ 🐱 ~

"Ahhhhhh! Faster! Ahhhh shit!" I keep moaning and moaning. The fuck is this? Why is he expertly doing this?!

"Oh fuck! I will cum soon!" He fasten his paced making me lose my consciousness. This is my first time that's why I didn't except this will be so damn good! I feel like I am on heaven.

"Then cum with me, Baby." Jungkook whispered that turns me on even more. With his last few thrust we both came. He fell down on my top as we both catch our breath. "You taste so fucking good, Baby." He said making me chuckled. You too.

I don't know what happened earlier because I was too carried away on his kisses, I didn't even notice that we have already entered his Black Lamborghini. Lol, we just made love in the car. I thought this only happened in a room but I guess it wasn't after all.

"Let's skip your midnight practice for now, I still want to cuddle with you." He smiled when he look up to me. "Pleaseeeee..." He pouted.

I poked his nose before nodding. "Fine. Plus, do you think I can still dance after what you have done to me?" I raised my right eyebrow. Making him smiled cheekily.

"But you love it anyways."

"Oh, fuck you. Shoo, I need to wear my clothes, I want to enjoy the sea again." I pushed him and he left on my top. We both wear our clothes back before going out of the car. But guess what, I am struggling on my walk.

"You want another round?" He joked making me glared at him.

"Another round?! The hell? I cannot even walk properly and you still want another round? Are you kidding me?" He only laughed at me. We both lay down on the sand, he used his arms as my pillow before hugging me. Yeah, he really wants to cuddle with me.

"You smell so fucking good, Baby." He said when he buried his face on my neck. I didn't answer him instead a smile form on my lips. We stayed like that for a while before he start talking again. "Do you know how much I want to punch your ex boyfriend for cheating on you? How dare he! I cherish you so much while him-- damn! Don't let me see him 'cause I will really punch him till his beaten up."

"Don't mind him, I have already move on. But you know what I am more shocked is you already love me that fast. Is it for real? We just saw and know each other yesterday and now you already loved me? Uh wait except for me 'cause I already know you for six years." I said that made him look up to me.

"Love doesn't count hours or days, Lalisa. If your heart falls for that person then you've already fallen in love. Like me, the time I entered the Dance Practice Room and saw you dance so gracefully, Boom! Cupid directly shoot me on my heart. I haven't felt this feelings on other girls, that's why you are an exception, Baby. Plus, I won't give you my virginity if I don't love you." He said that made my eyes widen.

"What?! That was your first time too?!" I shockingly asked.

"Uh yes? What do you expect? I am busy Idol with full of schedule and I am also focused on my career. Why? Did I do too good for a first timer?" He asked me with a smirk. I looked away before I shyly nodded making him laugh. "Well Baepsae thought me too well..." With that both of us laughed.

"Can I ask how you became an Army? And why Am I your bias?" He asked out of nowhere as he hugged me tighter.

"My Brother told me about your group. He said--

"Lalice, there's a new boy group rookie and they were amazing. Despite of debuting on a poor company they are still well trained, I even love their song. Listen."

"He played your debut song No More Dream. At first I don't care 'cause I am not really interested at Kpop but guess what your voice on the rap part can't get out of my mind. Then My Cousin came bugging me to listen for your new song she made me listen to your songs like danger, war of hormones and lastly your boy in luv that made me become an Army lol. Fuck you, because of your rap parts, vocals, and dance moves I fall in love on you and chose you as my bias." I laughed at myself I can't believe that it's been six years since I go crazy over Bangtan.

"Maybe I should do some rap parts on our new comeback don't you think so?" He said that made me look at him.

"Huh? Why?"

"So you'll fall in love with me even more. Also, it's been a while since the last time I rap on our song." He chuckled, I rolled my eyes and hit his chest. "Aww you hurt my heart." He acted like I really hurt his heart because he was holding his chest with some weird facial expression.

"Hahahaha! Yah, Hajima!" I laughed.

(Hajima means stop it in Korean.)


We arrived at the hotel exactly one in the morning. He goes inside my hotel room to put down all of the paper bags full of my clothes we bought earlier. Do you know that all of those are pants, t-shirts, long sleeves and hoodie jackets. CoOL rIgHt?:) I am now full of covered clothes. Sighed. He doesn't really want me to wear exposed clothes, Aish.

"I'll go back on our room, my hyungs might suspected me meeting someone. Sleep well, Baby. Goodnight, see you tomorrow." He planted a soft kiss on my forehead that made closed my eyes. I really like it when he kissed me on my forehead.

"Yeah, Sleep tight and it's already morning idiot. Hahaha! Joke. Sweet dreams, Baby!" I gave him a flying kiss in which he caught it with hands and act like he was kissing it too. Playful Kookie is back.

I closed the door. I clean myself first before heading to my bed. Throwing myself to the bed and let my body lay down for awhile. As I remember all of the sweet moments I had with my Bias, it made me rolled in my bed back and fourth. I also throw and messed my blankets and pillows out of happiness.

This is the first time I have been so happy in my life. I hope this go well without any
problem. And I think this is the best run away from home I've ever had. I reached out for my phone on the bedside table for me to check if I have received some texts, and yeah I have three of them.

From: Mom

Hey, Lisa. How are you? Are you doing good? I'm sorry if your Khun Pa froze your card, you can meet me up if you need some extra money huh? Stay safe, we are all worried for you.

To: Mom

I'm good, Mom. Don't worry about me. Thanks, take care.

From: Jungkookie My Baby

I love you, please dream of me;)

To: Jungkookie My Baby

Yeah, sure. I would love too hahahaha!

From: My best unnie ever

Hey, Lalisa. It's been awhile, I think I am staying with you again. See you tomorrow!

Ehhhhhhhh?!!!! Whatttt?!! She's coming here in Thailand?! Really?! Omg, I can't wait! I missed my unnie so much!

~ Anndeukie

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