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~ 🐱 ~

"Yah! How dare you make decisions by yourself--"

I was cut off when he smirk before leaning forward to kiss me. He closed his eyes when he started moving. I don know what made me do it, but I only found myself kissing him back. I felt him smile between our kiss. His hand went from the railings up to my waist, holding it in place as he pulled me closer.

He sucked my lower lip, before he slid his tongue inside mine. At the same time, His right hand loosen its grip on my waist, it slowly went down to my thighs, caressing it gently that made shiver. Fuck, Jeon Jungkook. Why are you like this?! You are the only one who can make me feel like this.

I wrapped my arms around his neck when I got myself a better angle. We kissed like we haven't seen each other for years. Our passionate kiss turns into french one making me moaned, he was too eager and wild.

But I like it anyways hehe, joke.

He pulled away from our kiss that made me looked at him. We are catching our breaths while staring at each others eyes. "Damn that doll eyes of yours, Baby. It made me fall in love on you even more." He whispered in his husky voice.

I look away when I suddenly felt myself blushing. "Liar." I heard him laugh. So, I glared at him.

"Thanks for kissing me back, Baby. Because for me it means yes, My Beautiful Fiancé." He stole a one last peck on my lips before he intertwined our hands.

We are now heading to the stairs when Jungkook suddenly stopped, he faced me and started looking at me from head to toe.

"Change your clothes."

"What?! Why?!"

"I don't like it, you are too exposed." He said that made me rolled my eyes.

"It's Our Son's birthday! Besides we are the only ones who's in here!"

"Sehun is there, Lalisa."

To what he said made me laughed. "What the fuck?" I laughed even more. "For your information he doesn't love me anymore, besides we are good friend! He is also a good Uncle on Soobin." I said that made his jaw clenched.

"So, stop complaining, stop being jealous because my body is only yours. I am only yours, Jeon Jungkook."


"Oh? They are back! Hey, Lisa Soobin is--" She stopped talking as her eyes slowly widen."W-what's that-- OMG!!" Rosé unnie gasped while looking at my finger.

"Woah! Jungkook, you're so speed boy. Congrats!" Jimin oppa tapped Jungkook's shoulders. "We should follow next, Rosie." He chuckled that made my unnie blushed.

"Omona!" Jisoo unnie squealed as she turned me around to face her. She took my hand to look at my ring finger where the gold diamond ring is placed.

"Congrats, Lisa! You followed me next huh." Jennie unnie smirked.

"Huhu. Jungkook is not our Baby anymore!" Jin oppa faked cried making the all of us laughed. "But Jisoo is now My Baby."

"Woaaah!! Smooth, hyung!" Namjoon oppa laughed.

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