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"Hey there My Baby boy!" I kneeled down to greet him with a warm hug when he ran towards me.

"Mommy, I have missed you!" He kissed my cheeks making me giggle.

"I missed you too My Baby Soobin." I also gave him tons of kiss on his cheeks as we sat down on the couch inside Rosé unnie's office.

"Mommy you don't have a work anymore?" He was hoping.

"I am not sure, Soobin. But I am sure that I will stay here with you for awhile. You want that?" I asked while caressing his hair. His smile grew even more as he nodded at me many times. "Let's go home, I bought a toy for you." I said that excites him.

"Yey!" He jumped out excitement.

"I am here too Mommy! Don't I have toys too?" Rosé unnie dramatically said making me burst in laughing.

"Yah! Unnie stop that! You looked stupid." I laughed even more when she frowned, giving her death glares on me. "Don't worry, I brought some chocolates for you." I rolled my eyes. But her eyes glow when she heard 'food'. Aigoo this unnie mine didn't change a  bit.

"Say goodbye to Aunty Rosé, Soobin." I said. My Son run towards Rosé unnie, giving her a kiss on the right cheek.

"No, don't take My Soobin away." Unnie acted liked she was crying.

"Is it your Son? Huh?" I playfully roll my eyes again that made her laugh. "If you want, just ask Jimin oppa for a Son or Daughter too, okay? You two can make one because Soobin is already My Son." To what I said made unnie stopped laughing. Her face immediately heated up when she realized what I have said.

"Yah! Get out!" She shouted, this time I am the one who's laughing now.

"Goodbye, Aunty Rosé!" Soobin made a cute flying kiss while I put his backpack on his back. I held his hand before we left Unnie's office. We rode the elevator and head to the parking lot.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" I asked as I buckle his seatbelt.

"Hmmm..." He held his chin and look up like he was thinking of something. It looks like a light bulb came out on his head when he have thought of the right idea.

"Banana milk, Mommy!"

I was stopped buckling the seatbelt when he said that. I looked at him and he was smiling. He was sure about having a banana milk.

"How did you know about that?" I suddenly got nervous.

"Uncle Bambam said that it was yummy!" Oh, fuck you, Kunpimook. Don't show your face to me or else I will surely kill you. That idiot keep teaching My Son a lot of different things, mostly nonsense! Aish, he's really not good influence. Why did they even caught us.

"He also said that it was your favorite. So, I want to try it Mommy!"

Not me, Soobin. It's your Daddy's favorite.

"Okay, come on. Nothing else? That's all?" I asked when I fully locked his seatbelt. I ran to the other side to go inside the driver's seat.

"Pancake, Mommy!"

"Okay, pancake then." I smiled at him. "Where did you ate lunch with Aunty Rosé?" I asked while driving.

"She brought me to a Japanese restaurant, Mommy! All the food taste good, not until the weird green paste met my tongue. It taste bad, Mommy." He made face like he was still tasting it up to now.

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