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I am idiot in absence right now. Thinking a lot of things after what happened earlier between Jungkook and I. Why the hell I felt so fucking hurt when I shouldn't be. Is this because there's this part inside me wanting to be with him? Or it's because the reason we can't be together again?

My thoughts were only cut off when my phone rang. It was Rosé unnie. Oh shoot! I forgot to fetch My Son!

"Hello, unnie? I'm on my way there to fetch--"

"Lisa! Soobin have a fever!" Rosé unnie panicked, her voice is shaking that made me suddenly nervous.

"What?!" I held my forehead. "Okay, unnie. Can you bring him home? I'll just go buy some medicine and cook a soup for him." I said getting anxious because I don't know what to do. I am worried for My Son.

Oh god, why this happened? His birthday is coming!

"Yeah, sure. I will. I also call for a doctor to come there."

"Yes, please. Thank you unnie! Please be careful with Soobin, take care." I said before ending the call. I hurriedly took my wallet and left to buy some medicine. After that, I came back to cook some warm soup to fill My Son's tummy later.

Not long, I heard the door open. I turned the stove off and immediately ran to the door to meet them. I saw Rosé unnie carrying Soobin on her shoulders. "Unnie to the room, please." I said and she nodded.

I go inside the bathroom to get some clean towel and warm water. I go back to the bedroom and saw Rosé unnie removing Soobin's clothes. I stood beside the bed and start cleaning Soobin's body with the use of warm wet towel.

"Mommy... It hurts..." He groaned.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I'll be careful now." I said rubbing the towel more slowly and gently. After that Rosé unnie took a warm clothes for Soobin to change. "Can you stand up for Mommy please?" I asked he nooded still his eyes closed.

"I'll do this, Lisa. Just prepare the food and medicine." Unnie said as she took the warm towel on my hand and put it on My Son's forehead.

"Thanks, unnie." I nooded before leaving the room. I go straightly to the kitchen to pour the warm soup on the bowl. I also took the plastic bag that has medicine inside. "Here, Baby. Eat for you to be strong." I tried feeding Soobin when he sat up straight.

"Mommy... I don't want..." He pouted, opening his eyes a little to peek on me.

"Please eat, Soobin. Daddy wants you to be strong, how can you meet him when you're sick." I sighed and I was startled when he suddenly opened his mouth.

"I want to eat a lot, Mommy!" I smiled and start feeding him little by little. When he's already full, we gave him a fever medicine syrup.

"Lisa... Doctor Yang have arrived." Rosé unnie said as she opened the room's door, entering with the Female Pediatrician beside her. We let the doctor checked Soobin while he was taking a nap.

"Ms. Manoban, Your Son only have fever. No flu, cold, or cough. Don't worry he'll get better tomorrow." She assured me.

"Thanks, Doc." I bowed down.

"Hey, Lis. I'm gonna stay here so if you need a help on something, you can ask me with that. Let me borrow some clothes and I'll just sleep on the guest room."

"Yeah, sure, unnie. I'll get you some clothes and give it to you there." I said, unnie smiled at me before nodding and leave. Actually, I can't think properly now. I am not in my normal self because My Son having a fever plus the phone...

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