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"Don't worry, you will be fine." I said trying to calm Jungkook down because he was nervous inside the van. Manager-nim wants to know where he would pick us up later after meeting My Parents, that's why he's the one who drove us to My Family's house.

I don't know why he's nervous because he have already met them on Reunion. Plus, Yoona unnie and My Brother already left for their business on the Seoul, which is our company. So, only My Mom, Dad, Minnie and Minnie's Mom are the only ones there.

"Is it here, Lisa?" Manager-nim asked when we arrive in front of our village gate.

"Yes, please tell My Surname. Manoban." He nodded to what I've said. We stopped in the guard's check. Manager-nim pressed the button to open the window.

"Name please." The guard of the gate said.

"Manoban." Manager-nim said making the guard panicked a little.

"Oh, please go inside."

"Wow, they panicked when they heard your Surname, Baby." Jungkook said when he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, they did." I chuckled. We entered the village and we only stopped in front of our house.

"Wtf, Baby. You said house!" Jungkook gasped when we got out of the van.

"Huh? It was a house can't you see? What do you call that building? Pyramid? Temple?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"No! I mean the heck! You call your Mansion a House?! What the hell." He said while roaming his eyes around our house, I mean Mansion. I don't really care because they are all the same for god's sake.

"I'll fetch you both later."

"Ye, Manager-nim. Thank you." Jungkook said before he drove away. I also invited Sorn unnie to have Breakfast with us to thank her for her help. Without her, I think I am living like a beggar now, roaming around the side streets to find a place to sleep.

I pulled him inside. The maids open the door for us. I was about to walk inside when Jungkook held my hand. Stopping in the door way. His hands is shaking a bit, he's nervous again. "Baby... I said don't be nervous. They like you, okay? Who wouldn't like you anyways right?" I tried to lighten his mood.

"Mom! Dad! We're here!" I shouted so they can hear me wherever they are.

"Omg!" My Mom squealed. "Hi dear!" I smiled and open my arms to hug My Mom. But guess what, she ran to Jungkook and gave him a tight hug. Wtf, Mom! I'm here! Your daughter!

"How can you look so fine?!" She said jumping. She's really happy to see him.

I cleared my throat to let her know that I am also here. "Oh! My daughter!" She awkwardly smile before she gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go to the kitchen, we are already preparing the foods." My Mom said. We followed her to the dinning room. Sorn unnie was already there, she was talking with Minnie unnie.

"Hi!" Sorn unnie immediately stood up when she saw us. She hug me and nod at Jungkook. "Have a sit, we'll eat after Aunty and Uncle finished preparing." She said referring to My Parents. She alse guide us to the chairs so we can sit.

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