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"Are you saying something, Soobin?" I calmly asked as we exit the building.

"Daddy... Where's My Daddy, Mommy?" He asked that made me stopped. He was looking at me innocently.

In his four years of living in this world this is the first time he asked about his Dad, that's why I am shocked to his sudden question. Actually, I don't want to mention it to him because I can't promise him that his Father would accept him. I don't know if Jungkook will be happy to meet him.

I don't want Soobin to be rejected by his own Father, I don't want to hurt his feeling, I don't want him to feel that his own Dad doesn't love him. That's why I am avoiding these kind of questions.

But... Soobin is smart enough to easily come up about that idea. He knows that something is missing on our Family.

"Mommy?" Soobin is waiting for my answer.

"Where did you heard about that, Baby?"

"While I was with Uncle Bambam earlier on the Park. I saw a lot of kid like me holding both of their parents hand. They keep calling the man Daddy, they also look happy whenever they are with their Dads." He explain, looking down on the floor to play with his fingers.

"Baby Soobin..."

"Don't I have a Daddy, Mommy?" He looked up to me with a teary eye that made my knees goes weak. "Does My Dad doesn't love me?" I felt my chest tightened when I saw a tear fell on My Son's cheek.

"No, Baby... Don't say that." I tried calming him down.

"Then why is My Dad isn't here? I want to see him, Mommy. I want to feel his hug and love Mommy..." Soobin cried that made me also cry.

This is what I hate. I hate to see My Son crying and hurt because of his Dad. Soobin doesn't deserve this. It's also my fault for hiding him to his Dad. I became selfish and had Soobin with me alone this past years. But what can I do? Jungkook and I are not together anymore. We fought and broke up. He doesn't love me and cheated on me. So, how can I tell him about Soobin?

I sighed. I crouch down while drying my tears. Then, I look up again to faced My Son. I have made up my mind. "Can you wait till you turns five? Give Mommy a time. I'll talk to your Dad when I see him." I gave him a small smile.

Soobin smiled very wide while drying his tears. "Yes, Mommy! I can wait! Thank you, Mommy!" He hug my neck. I leaned my head on his small shoulders and hugged him back.

"Hey, are you two crying?" When I heard his voice, My blood immediately boils. I slowly pull away from our hug, I also dried my tears before facing him.


He ran away when I was about to hit him with my bag. Soobin and I follow Bambam on the building's parking lot. He only stopped when we arrived in front of his car, beside his was my car.

"Why did you let My Son go alone around!" This time I finally hit him on the shoulders.

"I'm sorry, okay? I panicked because Bangtan is on that building! I let Soobin stay on the lobby seats and talked to him to stay there and wait for me so that I could try talking to Jungkook and distract them a bit! If I haven't did that Jungkook and Soobin could have met awhile ago!" Bambam explained like he was really panicking.

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