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~ 🐱 ~

"Okay, you already did great, Baby." Jungkook pulled my wrist to stop me from dancing. "Let's go home, it's already four in the morning. You need to rest, you still have a practice with Bambam later." He said like he was my boyfriend.

Ugh! What is he doing here?! The hell, I am just stopping myself but deep inside I badly want to kiss his lips! Da man! In fact he keep calling me, Baby. Shit, calm down, Lalisa. You're gonna be wild again if you won't. But I can't stop myself! I'm so happy!! My Bias is here! He was even helping me!

"Why are you still here? You should rest, You guys also have practice later. You are just wasting your time here." I said while drying my sweat with my face towel.

"I came here to practice my euphoria's choreography and when I saw you practicing hard late at night. I changed my mind and chose to watched you dancing. But I saw you struggling on the last part so I have also decided to help you out." He smiled showing his bunny teeth. He was more bubbly now compare to what he acted yesterday on our practice.

I suddenly get embarrassed when I realized I am staying here with him for a long time now, Plus the fact that we are alone. Huhu why aren't you taking this chance to do a move Jungkook! We're alone no one will know if we do something--

Ehehe joke only, wild Lisa is coming back again and it's no good. Calm down, Lisa. Calm down. When I am fully calm down I look at Jungkook's direction and--

"Hey, Baby. Are you alright?!"

I chocked when I saw him removing his damn shirt! He caressed my back while I still recover from chocking. "Yah!" I yelled that made him flinched. He looked at me pouting. "Wear a shirt will you?!" I tried to look away but my fucking eyes won't cooperate. I even saw how the side of his lips rose up into a smirk.

"You want me to wear my shirt but your eyes enjoyed the view. What's the truth, Baby?" He chuckled. The word 'Baby' really hits so different to me. It automatically made my heart fluttered.

"Hey, I-i am not! Move! Your such a pain in the ass!" I slightly pushed him, standing up to go where my backpack is. I took out out my denim short and tank top for me to change-- wait! Where's my tank top?! I panicked while searching for my top on my entire backpack. But failed, I forgot to bring one since I am in a hurry when I left the hotel.

I hopelessly sat on the couch. If I don't change my clothes I might get sick tomorrow that fast. Aish! Why am I so stupid for not bringing the one of the most important stuff I am using! I looked down and just played with my fingers.

But I was surprised when I felt Jungkook standing right in front of me. He gave me a black cloth. I accept it before unfolding. It was a hoodie jacket. "Borrow my extra hoodie since I didn't sweat too much. You might get sick of you don't change, I saw how many times you change your wet clothes yesterday on the practice so maybe you have a weak immune system." I look up to him and he genuinely smiled at me.

"Go ahead, Baby." I was startled when he stooped down to give me a peck on my cheeks.

Okay, that made my cheeks warmed up. No, he can't see me blushing. No, no, no! I immediately picked my denim short on my side before running inside the restroom. I even heard his laugh. Aish! That shit!

Wait! Is this even real?! Maybe I am only dreaming, I should slap myself to test if it hurts. So yeah, I slapped myself and it does hurt. Waaaahhhh!! Omg! I am with BTS Jungkook for real!! How is that even possible?! How that happened?! Aaaccckkkk!! I want to scream but I want to keep my cool down.

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