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"Mommy! I'm home!" Soobin shouted.

I pause the movie I was watching to go and greet My Son. "Hi, Soobin. Did you enjoy going out with Aunty Jennie?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"Yes, Mommy!"

"Where's Aunty Jennie?" I asked looking at his back to check if Jennie unnie is there. But there are no sight of her.

"She left, Mommy. She only open the door for me then she leave. She said she needs to go somewhere." Soobin explained that made me confused. She usually came inside to drink some water, this is the first time she didn't came inside when she brought Soobin home. I wonder what happened.

"Let's go to the living room. Mommy will show you something." I smiled. He holds my hand as we both head to the living room. We sat down on the couch. I took the paper bag on the side and gave it to Soobin. "Your Daddy and I met earlier. He chose that shoes design." I said.

"Really, Mommy?! You met Daddy?!" He asked with a smile on his face. I nodded at him and signaled him to open the paper bag. "Wow! Shoes! Thank you, Mommy!" He hugged me to give a kiss on my cheek.

"Daddy choose this. So, it's my favorite shoes now!" He giggles while hugging the shoe box. I felt like my heart clenched because of that. He's really desperate to see his Dad sooner.

"Also, this." Soobin stopped to looked at me. "I bought the shoes but Daddy chose the design. While this." I showed the small box. "Your Daddy bought that for you." I gave him a small smile.

He excitedly took the box on my hand and open it immediately. "Wow! It's a watch, Mommy!" He was jumping now on the couch. "I'm so happy, Mommy!" He was smiling very wide.

"I'm glad you're happy, Soobin."

"I can't wait for my birthday! Daddy is coming!"

Let's just hope and pray that Jungkook will come, Soobin. I will really find a way how to talk to him. I want to convince him to accept you.


"I'm sorry, I'm late." I said while I tied my hair into a ponytail. It's already December 2 so it's time for me to work as a photographer now.

"It's okay, Ms. Lisa. The endorsers haven't arrived yet." One of the staffs said.

"Your wet, Lisa. We have extra clothes here, please change so you won't get sick." Manager unnie said while checking me out. It was raining and I didn't bring a umbrella with me. That's why I have to run from parking lot to the entrance building.

How sad. I'm comfortable with my pants and crop top but Manager unnie is right I'll get sick if I don't change my clothes. I put my bag full of camera sets down on the couch before entering the dressing room. I change into a pair of high waist short and a oversized hoodie jacket.

Okay, I look like I am not wearing any shorts, lol.

"Ms. Lisa! The endorsers have arrived. They have already finished preparing too. They are all ready to start the photoshoot." Another staff said.

I removed my ponytail and brush my hair while going out of the dressing room. "I'm coming, I'll just set the came--"

"Lisa?" Someone called that took my attention.

I almost dropped my jaw when I saw who it was. "Namjoon oppa?!" I look at him shocked.

"Yow, Lisa! Long time no see!"

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