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~ 🐱 ~

"Uhm... One whole mint chocolate cake please, one box of cookies, two banana milkshake and coffee frappe please." I said to the counter when I arrived at my favorite sweet cafe here at Thailand.

Yes, we already arrived here yesterday. My Family are all shocked when they got to know about Soobin. They all fudging cried in front of me even though I already said that it's okay. But they said they can't help but to felt guily, sad, and hurt for me. Just like Jungkook they also hoped that when the time I was alone and struggling they should have stayed beside me.

We're now all good, Khun Pa and I are now in good terms. He even said he's proud of me, that even it hurts him to say those words for me he still did it to make me pursue my dream even more. The thoughts that he don't care, love and support me was all opposite. He did that to make me realize how cruel the world is. He wants me to learn how the world works if you don't work hard. And that made me cry, because all this time I thought he hated me but the truth is he cared for me the most.

Jungkook also have already asked for my hand on my whole Family. I almost laughed when Mom almost choked on her drink because of that. But in the end, of course they agreed. They said Jungkook is such a good husband material, they saw that when they saw Jungkook for the first time five years ago. Khun Pa was actually surprised and shocked when Jungkook fought him just to defend me, he said that he was very happy that there's a man who genuinely cares and loves me.

For now, I go out by myself since My Fiancé and My Son are both busy playing with my cats on the garden. Like what the heck? They totally forgot about me! So, I have decided to buy them some sweets. And you know what guys, the both of them requested mint chocolate cake in unison. Aigoo.

That's why I'm here to buy them. I just add some banana milkshake 'cause I know they want them. But mint chocolate is familiar to me, I don't know why?

"Hey why are you here alone and why are you crying?" I stooped down to the boy who were sitting under the tree.

He didn't answer me instead he look at me. He kept crying and crying so I was getting annoyed. I took out my mint chocolate on my hoodie pocket, giving it to him with my sweetest smile.

I saw him dried his tears before he reached out for the mint chocolate I was holding. He smiled a bit that made me smiled even more. He's a cutie. By the way what is he doing here? It's cold and it was already dark.

Huh? Why does my dream came back in my mind? Wait! The mint chocolate! He? Don't tell me he is the boy I am with in my dream when we are both caught by the kidnappers? What is his name again?

"My name is--"

"I'm Oh Se--"


Who the fuck he is?! Why does they keep cutting his name? Aish! I don't know why that dream of mine feels so real. I felt like it really happened on me, but why can't I remember who the boy was?

"Madame, here's your order. Thank you, please come again." The girl in the counter said in Thai. I thanked her before I go out of the store. I bet Jungkook and Soobin will be very happy about this.

I took my phone out of my pocket when it vibrates. It was Mom, saying that the two dorks is already looking for the mint chocolate cake. I chuckled before putting it back on my pants pocket. I was happy and smiling while walking not until I saw a woman, she looks elegant and rich by just looking at her back that's why a man in all black ran towards her and picked her bag.

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