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Thousands of years ago there were a species created to rule the seas. They were not human, far from it. They were each based off of a certain sea animal, from mammals to fish even crustations. They were larger,stronger and faster than any humans that ever lived but they could feel and think. They were intelligent and had a soul or as they call it a spark. They ruled the seas with peace and an iron grip. But as time went on humans begun coming into the sea, their sea. At first they let them be, not seeing any reason why they couldn't share the bounty of the ocean but that soon stopped. Humans started pillaging their caves and killing their kind, taking their treasures and scales with no mercy. In response they begun luring 'sailors' as they found out to their watery craves.

The females of this said race had a powerful gift, one that could be used for both evil and good. Their voices could hypnotise men into falling in love with them. It wouldn't work if they were truly in love with someone else or on any human woman but in those days many sailors were desperate men looking for a way to earn money and woman were rarely if not ever seen at sea. In fact very few of them actually ever saw a female human. And so the legend of the sirens and mermaids were made.

But as time went on things got worse. The oceans were at the beginning stages of pollution and humans were hunting the creatures of the sea. The beings were horrified when they learnt of the hunting of whales and sharks for such stupid reasons. But humans had something they didn't.


Guns and cannons. The weapons were too powerful and soon they had no choice but to flee. They could not go on land that was for sure but they had somewhere else they could go. A place in the stars with infinite oceans and endless resources. But more importantly no humans. No pirates to take their treasure, no fishermen to try and catch them or take their food and no guns.

So with the help of their god they flew to to the second star on the right straight on till mourning.

To Neverland.

And indeed for years they were at peace, knowing of the red Indians on the islands but seeing they were no threat.

But nothing lasts for ever.

A war between them begun between the Automers and Deceptisirens. They war raged on in the depths of the sea but there was one place where all females could go from both sides with no fighting or trying to kill each other.

And at this special place they made a discovery like no other. They met Peter Pan. He did not run away from them screaming in fear or charge at them with a knife or gun raised. No. He came to them out of curiosity and peace.

They instantly felt a tug towards the red haired boy. Not exactly love, at least for most of them, but more a instinct to protect him.

He soon named their little peace space Mermaid Lagoon.

The two leaders of both factions were told and both made the decision that he was not to know of their existence. That females could interact with him but not to speak or reveal a thing about the males of their species or how they live.

And as time went on with the war many females began to die and not only because of the war. Captain Hook, a pirate that showed the worst in humanity begun to hunt them with his crew. But they did nothing and regretted it.

And to their shock the only one who stood up to the pirate was the boy, Peter Pan. And he could fly! He cut off the humans hand and fed it to the crocodile who from that moment on longed for more of Hook's flesh and became the one handed captains worst fear.

More humans came to the island, all children and they never aged. The creatures of the sea decided that they would stay out of the way of the pirate and the flying boy.

And then came Wendy.

The females did try to drown her ... more than once. But they were quiet fond of the small human girl.

And when she left with her two little brothers they weren't the only ones to go. The lost boys were desperate for a mother and they knew their time on Neverland had come to an end.

And Peter Pan?

He stayed behind. All the company he had was Tinkerbell and the red Indians and Capetian Hook.

But now He's finally had enough. He went back to Earth to search for people to have in his life, ones that wanted to be saved from the real cruel world and brought to a place where they would never want to leave.

And the name of the mysterious species that rules the seas?



Yay that's the first chapter done!

I flipping love merformers and the first book I wrote was a merformers ... I wrote it when I was 12 and, yeah first book.

But now I've had more experience and I wanted to write this.

So enjoy!

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