Cannon Ball!!

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No one's pov

A single mer sits in Mermaid Lagoon, thinking of the events of the past few months. Not only did they find a way to travel between Neverland and Earth but they had befriended humans. She had befriended a human teenage boy. Two other human sparklings had warmed their way into the Automer's team's heart. They had helped them save their word and yet they had never seen Neverland's shores. Only it's seas. The femme sighs in frustration, she wants with all her spark to bring them to explore Neverland and see it's beauty but ... there's so many things that stand in the way.

For one Captain Hook the fragger. He could kidnap them or even kill them!

And there is Peter Pan. She knows he is lonely, wanting to start the lost boys again. However the fear that he would want the three kids to stay on the island for all eternity stopped her from bringing them.

She sighs and looks at the sky, only to stare in shock at the sight that she can clearly see thanks to her kinds amazing eyesight.

Peter Pan flies through the clouds and with him are five other humans! Three of which are femmes and one who looks like a sparkling! They fly through the sky, smiling and laughing together. They all carry a bag with them. Maybe their belongings?

Suddenly she realises what they are doing here. They have come to live on Neverland they- they-

"His new family..." she mutters, watching as they fly off towards his home at the huge tree on the northern side of the island. 

"Prime needs to hear about this."

Your pov

I cant believe it! I'm flying with Peter Pan through Neverland's sky! 

"THIS IS AMAZING!" I laugh, doing a loopty loop and almost dropping the bags.

Peter Pan chuckles and takes Lilly's.


"No problem. We should first go home to drop off all your stuff and then I can give you a tour story teller." He says and flys off.

"Huh?" story teller? Why'd he call me that- Wait a minute.

I quickly catch up to him flying right beside him, "Have you been spying on us?"

He laughs nervously and shrugs his shoulders, "Uh I was observing."

"That's spying."



"Listening to your stories!"

"Still spying-"

"Are you two lovebirds done yet." Zioni suddenly flies next to me on her back, arms lazily crossed behind her head.

"LOVEBIRDS?!" Peter Pan yells from beside me, taking a fistfull of a cloud and and throwing it at her with a cheeky grin.

"I like you already sorceress." okay I think we need to properly introduce ourselves.

"Aww. We haven't even been here for ten minutes and y/n's found a boyfriend~" Ben teases.

"Oh I'm gonna remember that red head." i growl playfully, going off to fly beside him.

"Bring it shorty." he snickers.

 don't mind if I do.

No one's pov

Suddenly Peter Pan gets all your attentions, signaling that you should all descend as you've finally arrived. Without another word you all fly down to the humungus tree 50 meters maybe even more into the air. It's leaves are varieties of greens, blues and purples with some kind of red and yellow fruit all around it. It's leaves are about a meter long each from what you could tell.

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