Harry please not now

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No one's pov

Ben immediately snaps his head in Harry's direction following his gaze to your limp form. To say he is ready to murder someone is an understatement. Zioni spots you as well and her smile drops replaced by a worried frown. Peter stares at Arcee nervously, hoping with all his heart she didn't do this.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Sister." Ben growls lowly, his very presence making everyone feel uncomfortable.

Harry slowly flies over to your sleeping form Tinkerbell resting on his shoulders with her hands over her mouth and wings flat against her back.

"[Y/n ... oh my goodness.]" she whispers silently staring at your bloody shoulder in terror. 

Harry makes eye contact with June. She stares back watching the boy with sad eyes. She knew those eyes so well, they are the ones she wears whenever her son gets hurt or any of the other children. He slowly touches the bandages concealing your wound, however he could tell just by the circular blood stain on the bandage that it is indeed one of his worst fears.

"Gun shot." he whispers, Tink's wings jolting up and a small gasp leaving her tiny lips.

However she is the only one to hear it.

"Look I understand you're confused -" Jack starts but Ben cuts him off.

"Damn right I am! I just followed peter Pan here, find a whole lot of mermaids - next thing I know my lover's yelling the name of my sister and I see she has fucking bandages wrapped around some kinda wound. So yeah I-"

"Ben that's enough." Harry interrupts, your head rested on his lap as he gently touches your wound.

"Wait you two are gay?" Miko says excited/shocked.

"Miko" bulkhead warns knowing perfectly well that this human is one of those overprotective brothers that will punch the first guy that lays a finger on their sibling types. And right now is not the time.

"What? I mean if they are then it's pretty cool." she defends.

Ben chuckles and slowly calms down.

"Sure am kid. Sorry about that I have a habit of becoming - uh - Zioni what was that thing you describe me as when I get like that." He asks the girl who facepalms and hovers off the water next to Bumblebee.

"A murder time bomb ready to explode." she states with a amused sigh, "But to be fair you did punch that guy the time-"

"In my defence he was hitting on y/n." he raises his hands in surrender.

"And when that guy asked her one a date." she lists placing down a second finger.

"He was 17 she was 15." he shrugs both completely oblivious to the hysterically laughing yellow mer and turtle mermaid girl.

"Then that was that girl that asked if she could take a picture with her."

"She posted a picture that said y/n's a nerd." he confesses.

"And that time you nearly beat a guy to death when he slapped me across the cheek and called me a slut." you choke out raising your good arm.

"True true - Y/N?!" 

You cough but nod your head attempting to sit up however you wince in pain. Repeating 'ow' a few times you manage to sit up properly. Smiling happily you look at June.

"Thank you for saving me." you say earning a smile from the nurse.

"it's the least I could do after you saved Miko." she smiles. At least you have some manners.

"Y/n what is she talking about?" Harry asks worriedly.

You sigh and begin explaining the days events starting from the mantaray. At that part alone all the mers were interested however when you described his colours however they mentally sigh in relief. Not Laserbeak. All the way up to when you remember blacking out and then waking up for a second when June was about to begin attending to your wound.

Afterwards you learnt the names of your rescuers and confessed you and Lilly had befriended some other Merformers the other day.

"So let me get this straight." Harry says his hand against his forehead.

"You purposely went close to that ship."

"Yup." you say popping the 'p'. 

Bulkhead can't help but chuckle, you remind him so much of Miko in more than one way. 

Miko thinks your badass and can't wait to go on adventures with you. Jack is wondering if you are like Miko. You did tell the little girl - what was her name? Lilly to go back home when you thought pirates were near and he could understand your reasons. But still you went close a pirate ship and got shot. Arcee can't believe that their may be another girl just as or even more curiouse than Miko out there and Bumblebee ... Bumblebee and Raf are just watching the show.

"You left Lilly alone." Ben adds, sighing in frustration although he would have done the same thing. Tell her to get to safety and see what was happening so that he could know if she is in danger. He asked Peter to go back to Lilly while they 'scold' you in front of the mers.

"In my defence I wanted her to be safe and as far away from them as possible." you defend yourself.

"But you still swam to the ship." Harry retorts.

"I needed to listen in they found out where we live and make sure we aren't in danger."

"By putting yourself in danger?" June adds with a raised eyebrow. She can see you're curious and very protective of your family and others. Willingly putting yourself at risk so others may go unharmed. Honestly she likes you but thinks you should be more cautious, you could have died.

"Only way I could find out what they were doing." you say with a nervous laugh . Honestly of all the times Harry and the others had to scold you it had to be in front of more merformers! This is so embarrassing!

"Even though you stole Hook's hat, hit him against the mast of his own ship and dropped him in the sea!" Ben states with a blank stare.

"I saved Miko."

"You're avoiding the question."

"I didn't die."

"You got shot."

"I ... okay it was stupid but you know how I am." you sigh rubbing your arm shamefully. You knew the risks yet you went. It wasn't just your curiosity there was something pulling you towards the ship! It was like you had to go - no matter how dangerous it was. Like someone else was helping you get closer and drowning out all your negative thoughts.

Harry sighs and hugs you careful not to touch your shoulder.

"Y/n please I'm begging you. Promise me you won't go near that ship again, not alone at least." you stare into his brown eyes wanting to say no but saying yes. You couldn't say no to him.

Just as you were about to leave Bulkhead and Miko both came up to you.

Bulkhead gently nudges Miko, encouraging her to say something.

"D ... Did you really do those things - you know to Hook." she ask.

"Sure did. On my first day here none alles." you smile.

"Cool. Oh and thanks for saving my life - I owe you." 

"Don't mention it." you chuckle.

"So y/n?" Bulkhead says.


"What pod did you meet?"

"The lost light." you answer truthfully.

Bulkhead stares at you in pure shock for a moment before regaining himself, "Do you know Whirl?"

You chuckle nervously and nod your head, "He actually taught me how to make this knife."

Miko has literal stars in her eyes.

You chuckle at Bulkheads dumbfounded expression before saying goodbye and flying home.

Leaving two blushing mechs behind.

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