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No one's pov

The red haired boy stands in the window with Tinkerbell on his shoulder. You all stare with wide eyes at the boy, well teenager in green clothes made of giant leaves with a matching hat. None of you expected to ever actually see him, let alone tonight! Not to mention he's almost as tall as Ben and trust me that's saying something. Still how could people compare him to a kid he looks about 16/17. Wait then how old was Wendy? Man you guys need to get answers for the millions of questions flowing through your brains.

And your shock and confusion don't go unnoticed.

Peter Pan's pov

They all stare at me with surprised expressions, except the tiny girl.

"PETER PAN!!" She shouts happily and runs towards me laughing. She jumps into my arms with her cute clothes with a unicorn head on the shirt. She's so cute~!

"Hello little unicorn!" I greet with a smile, catching the girl in my arms. Tinkerbell giggles from my shoulder, leaning against my neck for support.
The little girl hugs me tightly.

Looking at all the others I see that they are all here. The dark skinned girl wears a black night gown that looks less ... uh, puffy than Wendy's. On it there's a purple eye with smoke coming out of it. So cool!

The boy with black and red hair looks at the little girl in my arms, ready to pounce at any moment. He's the warrior of this little group, along with the dark skinned girl. He wears a long sleeved white shirt with a number on it. Cant remember the number I forgot how to read. His pants are black with white stripes down the sides and the same number by his knees.

Then there is the boy with glasses who is wearing a long sleeved brown shirt with a thing at the back [hoodie]. It looks too big for him, maybe the size of the red and black haired boy? He also has matching shorts.

Then there's that girl, the story teller. Her stories are amazing! She is wearing a black shirt with orange stripes all over it, the pants match. They both look a little big on her but not big enough that they fall off. She kinda looks like a tiger except the colours are reversed.

"I knew you would be coming." I look to where the voice comes from, by the door way only to see Wendy's grandchild! She smiles at me weakly and slowly comes towards me.

"You have been alone for so long. Haven't you?" she says kindly, almost knowingly.

"How did you know?" I ask, hovering off the ground with the little girl still in my arms.

She smiles even more and looks me in the eyes, she's only a meter away from me now.

"Why else would you come back?"

Man this lady's good.

I look at all the kids again to see that they have bags full of stuff, "Where are you going?" No please don't tell me they're going away. Why?!

"Their going with you."


No one's pov

"WHAT?!" You all yell, some surprised some happy mostly Lilly.

"Auntie you can't be serious!" Ben objects, Harry and Zioni also voicing their concern and shock. You and Lilly on the other hand-

"We can go to Neverland," you say hopefully, wishing it to be true but suddenly saddening, remembering that if you are all packed like this it meant you weren't going to be coming back.

"Yes dearies you are." she says causing silence to envelope the room.

"I am an old soul, an ill one and I don't have a lot of time left. You all belong in Neverland and I know you long for adventure. For mystery and a world with magic."

"But-" you start tears flowing as they did less that an hour ago. She hushes you, embracing your form along with Lilly who Peter Pan places down in front of her,  tears falling down her face like a waterfall.

"I will always be with you." she whispers gently kissing you atop the head.

All of the children she has cared for for the past few years embrace her, tears spilling from their eyes while they whisper their goodbyes reluctantly.

Peter Pan smiles kindly at his new family, understanding this must be hard for them. With a last goodbye Tinkerbell sprinkles her pixie dust all over them, tinkling like bell as she reassures them that they will be happy and that the woman they love will always be there for them. In their hearts.

"Now think happy thoughts." The red head encourages, doing a looptyloop outside the window with an encouraging grin.

Easier said than done.

But you all try. 

Lilly thinks about flying around the sky, playing in the clouds and climbing trees with Peter.

Ben and Harry think of each other, their love and good memories.

Zioni thinks of herself reading in the clouds, peace and quiet atop a fluffy white mass.

And you?

You think of the happy memories you've made with the old woman who stares at you all with a mask of happiness. How much she changed your life for the better and showed you a true kindness you had never felt before. One of a loving parent.

With all your eyes closed you each slowly rise into the air, first Lilly, that the two lovers, then Zioni and finally yourself.

Slowly you open your eyes.

"We-we're..." you begin, too shocked to find the words.

"We're flying!" Lilly screams happily, stretching her arms out like she had seen in the movies and zooming out the window only to bump right into Peter Pan.

"Huh. This is easier than I thought." Ben says, easily controlling where he goes. Harry nods in agreement going over to his bags to collect his belongings.

Zioni smirks evilly and comes up behind you.

"BOO." you scream in fright, shooting upwards and hitting your head on the ceiling with a loud bump. Zioni clutches her stomach, laughing her ass off.

"Come now children." Mrs Merry scolds, "Take your bags and stop fooling around."

You all nod and go to collect your belongings, "I'll take your bag Lilly pad." you pick upp her tog bag and help her get her backpack on.

With a final goodbye and kiss on the cheek you all fly into the night sky, leaving your old home behind to got to one you had only dreamed of.


You all laugh, flying through the clouds up to the shining star.

"First star to the right and straight on till morning!" Peter Pan yells.

Ben grabs onto his ankle followed by Zioni, Harry, you and Lilly.

"Hold on!"

With a blinding flash of white you all disappear into the night sky. Never to be seen or see London again.

Suddenly you all appear into a bright blue sky with fluffy white scattered across the sky.

You have arrived.

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