What was that?

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ok so just so you all know the book Peter gave you has all the fauna and flora of neverland in it, typo


No one's pov

The two girls laugh happily as they splash each other, both having the time of their lives as a figure about the size of y/n maybe a little bigger. He watches with wide optics as the two humans play together, shocked to say the least.

The beluga merformer stares in pure shock at the smallest of the two. His bright baby blue optics full of shock, joy and happiness.

"A sparkling!" he sequels excitedly practically jumping out of his white and blue skin in excitement.

Without hesitation he swims as fast as his tail can take him to his pod wanting to share the amazing news. A sparkling, an actual human sparkling is on Neverland. The last human sparkling that was this young was the smallest of Wendy's brothers. All the lost boys were 14 to 16 years old.

Still! Tailgate has never seen a femme human! He never saw any of the red Indians or Wendy since he was still frozen in ice at the bottom of a trench, not good memories. Still he had once seen a human boy on these very shores where the two humans are. Cyclonus also told him of the pirates that plague the island. They never come on the northern side of the island due to a crocodile living in a cave nearby. He actually met the croc not too long ago. Surprisingly he isn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be. He just really wants to eat Hook that's all.

Tailgate spots an all to familiar tigershark merformer sitting atop a rock in a nearby seaweed forest with multiple other mers.

"CYCLONUS!" he calls happily, nearly colliding with the purple tiger shark that always looks like he wants to kill someone.

All helms turn in his direction as he pants slightly, quickly resurfacing to try and full his lungs with enough oxygen. When he catches his breath properly he quickly swims down to all the mers of the Lost Light pod, his pod.

"Hey Tailgate." Skids greets his barracuda tail laying lazely over a rock.

"You won't believe what I just found!" He says quickly, coming over to his mate and giving him a hug.

"What might that be?" Cyclonus chuckles the little beluga's joy.

"A human sparkling and femme!"

All optics widen at the minimer's words.

A Lionfish mer comes up to him a sense of excitement surrounding him.


"Rodimus." a voice says seriously before the said owner, a massive hump back whale merformer comes up beside his leader, knowing perfectly well what he is thinking., "With all due respect sir I believe a better course of action would be to observe the humans."

Rodimus roles his optics, not liking the idea, "Magnus it's been about a hundred years since any new humans have come to Neverland."

"Well they could be from the locals." Ultra Magnus states.

"Not possible." Perceptor, a red Arowana merformer replies, "They tend to avoid the shores of the island."

Rodimus nods in agreement a smirk of victory across his dermas.

"So what do you think they're doing here? You think Petey boy brought them here- maybe Hookey decided he needed a prisoner! Oh maybe the fairies think they are their princesses!" Swerve a flounder says quickly.

A few more join in on the conversation although there is a single question that they all ask.

When are we going

"Why did we sink?" Lilly suddenly asks as you both get out of the salty water and sit down on the soft sand.

You simile, already knowing the answer and happy she is curious, "Water got into the shoe. it seems whenever that happens they suddenly lose their ability to hold whatever up."

"Like us?"

"Like us."

She giggles and takes off the shes, their leathery texture making them a little unusual to her. She gets us and begins walking around the small beach, looking for some shells to create a necklace.

Your pov

My hair and clothes are wet but I'm not going all the way back home to get a change. They'll dry in a bit and they are cool so that helps with the sun.

I haven't had that much fun in so long. I've missed this alone time with her so much. She's still as cheeky as ever though.

I reach into the small bag I brought here. It has a few apples for us when we get hungry, a towel, some thread, a bottle of water, the book Peter gave me and my story book with a blue ink pen. Lately I've been working on a new one, a tale of a girl who is a pirate. Known throughout the seven seas as the keeper of a magical book that contains spells and potions. Lilly asked for it a while ago so I thought I'd quickly finish it up which is only going to take ten minutes.

I just need to finish up the ending and then I'll go hel Lilly look for shells and coral, I need to start filling the shelves in my room with something. Now that I think of it I wouldn't mind a small pot plant in my room.

Clicking the pen once I begin the ending of my short story. This book has over 20 stories that I made up in it. 

Lilly's pov

I can see y/n is writing more of the story I asked for a few days ago. She always is so nice to me and I love it when she reads to me. We are not related but she is my big sister and I love her with all my heart. And I want to make her a necklace for sleeping with me last night. I ... I was really scared. I am a big girl but the dark is really spooky and my new room is a bit lonely.

And I like it when she cuddles me. It makes me feel so safe and warm and she's really comfy and soft. I want her to sleep with me tonight again, I'm not used to having my own room since I've always shared with Zioni, big brobro, Harry and y/n. At least now I don't have to listen to Ben's snoring!

I bend down to pick up a pretty pink shell that has dark pink stripes all over it. I've never seen something like it before, it's so cool!

"Neverland is the best!"

"You can say that again Lilly." y/n says from a little bit behind me. She's already finished! How is she so fast?

"Hey y/n?" I ask.

"Yup." she replies.

"Can you sleep with me tonight again. Its a bit scary." I admit.

She hugs me from behind, kneeling on the sand so she can be eye level with me. She turns me around and holds my shoulders.

She has a kind smile that my friends say they get from their moms and her e/c eyes look like sparkling jewels. She is so pretty.

"Lilly I'll sleep with you as long as you need too adjust to our new home. I know this is a huge change and do you want to know a secret."

I nod my head. I love secrets.

"I'm also a little nervous. This is so different from London and auntie isn't there for us anymore. But I promise everything is going to be amazing. We're on Neverland with Peter Pan! We'll go on adventures and have so much fun."

"Okay!" I say. "Can you help me find more pretty shells?"

She smiles and hugs me tightly, "Does Ben snore like an elephant?"

"Yes!" yay she's going to help me!

Suddenly a loud splash comes from a bunch of rockpools not to far away and a loud shout. The voice sounds like a guy and he said 'frag'.

"What was that?"

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