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Your pov

I stare in utter shock and embarrassment at the giant mer a little ways to my left, bigger than Fortress Maximus and teeth sharper than anything I've ever seen before. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THEM BEFORE!!!??? WERE THEY ALL HERE THE WHOLE TIME I WAS SINGING!!!

I can feel my cheeks become a red that would put those red rubies to shame, the gigantic mer chuckling darkly with a sickening smirk. Every part of me is saying to run, to stay as far away from this mer as possible. I grip my concealed wound gently, shaking slightly at the intense gaze he gives me as my eyes come into contact with his.

I feel as if he is staring into my soul, his terrifying psychotic glowing red eyes not helping. Who the heck is this guy! Why do I feel like a rabbit facing a wolf! My breath quickens as I quickly get up, taking a hesitant step away from the edge of the island.

Before I can do or say anything else two large greyish blue hands wrap around my body. Releasing a small yelp of surprise and fear I begin struggling in the tight yet gently grip, to scared to process anything thanks to that mer.

"Y/n calm down it's me. Fortress Maximus! Calm down kid it's okay I'm not going to hurt you!" that calm deep voice says frantically, holding me against his chest and gently stroking my hair. Waking me from my panicking state. I breathe deeply, trying to control my racing heart and quick breaths of air. Clinging to his hand I take a final deep breath.

"S-sorry. J-just a bit surprised." I stutter out, looking into his huge crystal blue eyes. He chuckles and pats my head with a happy grin causing me to groan.

"I am not a k-kid." Damn it now I sound like a kid!

"To us you are shrimp." the all to familiar voice of the single eyed mer says boredly, a three clawed hand roughly prying me out of Maximus' hand and bringing me face to face with the mer that practically saved my life.

His single eye narrows dangerously before me, a bored frown betraying the burning rage in it and just screaming mad, "What. Happened." He growls deeply, his breath hitting me as well as the predator like tone.

"I ... don't know what your talking about." I lie stubbornly turning my head away from him to avoid eye contact.

He growls and turns me around, eye glaring at mine making me gulp. He's terrifying!

"Don't play dumb. I play dumb and trust me you don't want to be like me."

With a sigh I say, "You know how I have a problem with my curiosity." he nods, not blinking. I feel dozens of eyes boring into me from all around, as well as that mers. I hate it when people stare.

"Well I spotted Codfishe's ship and swam to it but he had trapped someone in his nets so I used the knife you taught me how to make and then I got ... shot." I explain briefly.

No one's pov

Whirl narrows his eye even more, glaring at your slightly flushed face with a mixture of boredom and anger, but that's just a mask. He's actually very interested, a bit proud, but also dead worried. And here he thought you didn't take dangerous risks.

"If there weren't so many dangerous mers around her I would be interrogating you for that little part you skipped." he frowns.

You blink a few times before he tosses you over to Tailgate who jumps into the air to catch your flying form. He along with you in his arms held tightly against his chest are surrounded by the Lost Light members in a circular protection circle.

All growling and clicking defensively, some hissing.

The Prime and Nemesis pod all join in, the small humans forced the center with you.

Neverland's Merformers (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now