The uno master

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No one's pov

Six humans and a fairy sit around a small table made of a log on the floor, all hiding behind a bunch of cards. 

Harry places a red 9 down, careful not to show his three remaining cards, "Your turn Peter."

The red haired boy places down a green 9 causing everyone except the two smallest of the group to groan in frustration. You hit your forehead against the table, only having two cards left both of which are yellow.

Peter smirks and looks at Ben, "Your turn Benny boy~" he says in a sing song voice.

Ben roles his eyes and picks up another card, "Damn you."

"Ben language." Harry scolds while you, Tink and Lilly giggle.

"You've sure got a big hand ther Tink." you say sympathetically seeing she has about ten cards due to being on the receiving end of yours truly. If you had a choice you would have given all your blocks and plus 2's to Ben. Him and you still have a score to settle.

"Now ladies lets try to be civilised~" Zioni says in a fake moch british accent before picking up a card and instantly glaring at it.

"Fuck." she says realising she got a blue 2.

"LANGUAGE PLEASE THERE IS A SIX YEAR OLD HERE!" Harry shouts Zioni raising her hands in surrender and unknowingly revealing all her cards.

Lilly looks at the pile and then you innocently. Quick as lightning she puts down a green 5, red 5, blue five and yellow five.


peter and Tinkerbell stare at her in disbelief, Harry sighing in defeat, Ben smirking in pride, Zioni flopping onto the table in misery and you falling on your back.

"I GIVE UP!" you scream griping the hair on your head in defeat.

Fifth round. FIFTH ROUND SHE'S WON! And you've only played six!

"How can a baby beat all of us five times in a row?" Peter asks, confused and curious.

"[She's a master at this game]" Tinkerbell chimes in awe and jealousy. How could a child, a baby, beat her at a card game. It makes no sense.

"I'm not a baby!" She yells crossing her arms and pouting.

"She's been doing this ever since she could walk." Ben boasts, "She wins most of the time."

"And it's agony." Zioni whines face still on the table.

Harry smiles and packs away the uno cards, "Come on it's time to go to bed everyone."

Lilly immediately jumps up and squeals in happiness. Tonight due to your injury she is sleeping with Ben and Harry. Leaving you alone so that there's less chance someone may accidently touch your shoulder.

Your pov

Peter yawns and wishes everyone goodnight, flying off to his bedroom with Tinkerbell at his side. I swear she goes with him everywhere, they're inseparable.

"Good night everyone." Harry yawn stretching his arms behind his back/

"Nighty night Don't let the bedbugs bite~" Lilly sings climbing the ladder like a monkey.

"Se ya in the mourning." ben wishes with a grin.

"I'm sleeping in. Night guys." Zioni waves goodnight with a cheeky smile. Probably planning to throw water on me again or something even worse.

"Night everyone, love you." I say, watching as everyone goes to bed. 

I look at the makeshift cast Peter made for me, a bunch of the red leaves and vines from the top of the tree supporting my arm and covering my shoulder. I told him the bandage June gave me was enough but he wouldn't take no for an answer. It was really sweet of him to do that after getting all of our supplies back, he even complimented me on the dried seaweed. He's already a part of this family and no one can say otherwise. But I feel so guilty. Lilly was fine when we got back, playing with one of her dolls and making small dresses out of leaves but still. How could I have been so stupid! I went to the danger, I practically drew a target on myself yelling 'take your best shot!'.

I feel like I let them down.
Quietly I take the small oil lamp that illuminates the whole room and walk to the hidden doors to the outside. 

I need to clear my head.

No one's pov

"Why are we doing this?" Whirl complains swimming towards Neverland. He had important things to do and voices in his head to yell at and fight with. He didn't need to spy on the two femme fleshies.

"Don't you want to meet up with Bulkhead?" Rodimus asks.

Oh and there's that.

"Personally - no. No I do not." he states boredly.

"Come on Whirl." Swerve says, "Don't ya want to see where they live up close? I mean that tree is huge and for all we know they could be out for a midnight swim. Ohh do you think they live in tree houses? Or maybe they sleep on huge leaves with blankets made of more leaves sown together. I wonder if the tree grows any fruit? I could maybe use them to make a new whiskey or wine. *Gasp* Maybe even a tropical cocktail!" he beams swimming a little faster now.

"Calm down buddy." Skids chuckles, "We aren't able to get to close, I mean there's a small river right next to it but it's to small for us."

"You, you mean." Swerve adds with a huge grin.

Ultra Magnus sighs. He should have known better than to let Rodimus tell the whole pod about the 'observation of two human females. And one's a pup'. If he had his way it would have only been Rodimus, Himself, Drit (maybe), Perceptor and Maximus. Unfortunately percepto had other things to do and now all the mers that originally met you and a few more are coming!

On the brighter side however he will be able to meet Optimus and Ratchet again, as well as Megatron and his pod. Most of whom are dangerous decepticon criminals who should be under constant surveillance. Especially Shockwave after that stunt he tried to pull with kidnapping tje human sparklings Prime's pod care for.

"I can't wait to see Ratchet again." Drift says to himself with multiple happy churs and clicks. It has been to long.

"You only haven't seen him for a month." Brainstorm sighs swimming past him.


Tailgate swims up to the self proclaimed genius with curiosity, "Hey Brainstorm - Why are you coming? I know you're interested about humans and the tree but it's night and-"

"I'm going to stop you right there my beluga friend." he interupts stopping right in front of the mer half his size and preventing him from going any further.

"Y/n had an encounter with the pirates today and got shot of course I am worried about her-"


Everymer stops in their tracks and looks at Tailgate.

Brainstorm looks at Rodimus who nervously begs the eel mer to keep quiet. "So Rodimus you didn't think it would be a good idea to tell them that y/n got shot?" he states with a raised eyebrow.

"By Hook." he adds. Gasps of shock come from the mers and a particular whale sharks attention.

"Well - um - Ratchet said to keep it a secret and only bring a few mers." he chuckles nervously.

"Clearly you failed." Cyclonus growls.

All the mers swim faster, a new sense of urgency.

However the Lost Light aren't the only ones who just witnessed the little conversation.


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