Red rubys

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No one's pov

"WE MISSED!" yells a male from the deck of the pirate ship. Many groans and cries of frustration come from the pirates aboard the ship. A particular roar of rage drawing all their attentions.

"YET AGAIN!" a male yells. He has long curled black hair and a short goti. He has a long chin along with deep, menacing brown eyes. With his red old fashioned clothes he is just how many would think a pirate.

"C-captain-" stutters a chubby short man wearing a red nigh cap and a striped blue and white shirt.


"B-b-but Capin'-"


"PETER PAN AHOY!" a pirate with an eyepatch and peg leg yells from the crows nest shouts.

Shocked and confused noises are heard from the crew as five laughing silhouettes dance behind the white sails.

"Peter~" Hook smirks, eyeing the form he presumes to be of the red haired with demonic eyes.

"I see ye got yerself some new bilgrats." he spits, catching sight of a tall slim silhouette feminine figure wearing a flimsy nightgown. "And some be girls. Wonder if the be willing te join me crew-"

"Dream on captain codfish." Zioni hisses, fulling the birdy from behind the white sheet.

"ZIONI!" Ben growls, "Not in front of pumpkin!" he scolds, shielding Lilly's eyes.

"Maybe ye will change ye mind lassie, the offer shall always be open." Hook continues in his most gentleman like voice, taking off his hat and bowing.

"Sure." she relpys sarcastically, not waiting a moment to reply.

'Ahh well it be a shame." Hook starts, replacing his hat atop his head while all his crew stare at him with wide eyes. He straightens it with his hook,only for a hovering girl to gently lift it off his head without his notice. All the crew stare gobsmacked as she silently places it atop her head, flying to the side of the ship where the end of a rope lays.

"Ye would have made a lovely pet-oomf" You couldn't take it anymore! This bastard was even worse than you thought, and how dare he say such vulgar things to your family! Tugging at the rope you pull the unsuspecting pirate into the air. He had been standing in a loop of rope, it's end currently held tightly in your hands.

"Looky here Peter. I've caught a codfish!" you laugh, flying higher and higher into the sky until you're at the very tip of the mast.

The crew cant stop the uncontrollable laughter that booms through their throats, the sight of hooks coat falling of and struggling cursing form too much to bare. They hadn't seen something so hilarious since Wendy had forced him to walk the plank and almost got eaten by the crocodile. There was only so much a single boy could do by himself.


"You sure that's what you want Hookey~" you coo at the unsuspecting captain.

"YES YOU STUPID LITTLE_" he's cut off by you swinging him against the mast of the largest of the three, still clinging tightly to the rope.

"Wow you are one foul mouthed fish. I wonder why the crocodile would even want a fish that could be so disgusting."


"Aye aye captain~" you smirk dropping the rope.

The stupid pirate releases a 'manly' scream as he plummets into the water that his hip has sailed through for more than a hundred years. With a splash he hits the surface of the cold water.

"By the pixie dust tree y/n!" Peter states, shocked with your amazing performance, "That was priceless!" 

Tinkerbell laughs uncontrollably next to her red haired friend in mid air, enjoying the spluttering Hook, "I like this girl already!" she rings happily in between her laughter.

"Why thank you, it's the least I could do after what he said." you giggle, looking up at the sky to see the sun already setting.

"Goodness gracious the sun's setting! We should really get back." you say while flying towards your four family members- no five! Peter is part of your little family now.

"Yeah your right." Peter says with a smile, signaling the others to follow him home. "See ya codfish." he waves at hook.


Your pov

I never knew that this guy would be this much of a prick, I expected him to be well evil but this? I am even more glad I dumped him in the sea now. He deserved it that's for sure.

As I fly off of the ship something catches me eye in the distance. It glistens beneath the surface of the glistening waves. What is that?

"Hey I need to check on something I'll catch up." I say. Peter gives me a nod of approval and he and the others fly home.

Flying towards the small specs of red I cant help but feel a sense of ... danger. Almost like a prey in the territory of a predator. But I want to know what it is! What are they? Are they some kind of ruby or glowing fish? There's this strange tug I have towards these two glowing red objects. I cant describe it ... but then again that's probably y curiosity talking.

But I want to know what it is!

Finally coming to a stop I look into the swirling water below me, the red orbs shining brightly.

"Like glowing rubys." i mutter out loud.

Suddenly the red dots widen, flickering out and then on. Almost like their blinking. 

Suddenly they glow brighter before disappearing into the watery depths of the sea.

What just happened?

No one's pov

You hover over the salty water for another moment trying to contemplate what just happened. You shake your head realising you need to get back quickly or else the would get worried about you. With a final glance at the spot where the two ruby eyes were you speed off to the giant tree you now call home.

But something, someone was watching you closely, slowly emerging from the blue depths you had previously been staring into.

The being stares at your form, slowly becoming smaller and smaller.

What just happened?

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