The home of the Darlings

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No one's pov

In London there is a small home. A foster home. Who lives there? Well let me tell you.

First there is old Mrs Merry. She is 85 and a really nice woman. Her long curly grey hair falls to her shoulders and faded hazel eyes hold a wisdom unlike any other. She is so kind, caring, warm and wise. She's amazing! She loves to bake and her cakes are delicious.

There's Ben the eldest and strongest of the foster kids. He has raven black hair with dyed bright red tips accompanied by dazzling crystal blue eyes. He loves sports and is really buff.

Then Zioni the second eldest.  Also 17. She has dark chocolate skin and black hair that's always braided. Her emerald green eyes sparkle in the sun just like her bubbly happy personality. Even though she dresses a bit like a goth she is as bright as the sun.

Harry, the third eldest is 16. He has fluffy milk chocolate hair with teddy bear light brown eyes. Not to mention his big round cute glasses. He is shy and very smart.

And little Lilly the youngest and Ben's sister who's 6 years old. She is a little ball of energy and loves to draw and paint. She is creative and an adventurer.

Lastly y/n, the second youngest who is 16. She has h/l h/c with dazzling e/c eyes along with s/c skin. She is very protective of her family but if you take the time to know her she's a real softy. She is always there for her loved ones and is curiouse beyond comprehension. Sometimes it would get her in trouble but she wouldn't let it get her down. 

She in a way is like another big sister to Lilly as well as Zioni while Ben is her actual big brother and Harry his prince.

Oh did I forget to say this? Harry and Ben are a couple!

They all have a pretty basic life. School, home, a bit of fun etc. They are happy and very grateful for what they have, it's just that they feel like they don't belong. That they should be somewhere else.

And maybe they will.

Your pov

"YES!" I shout happily, running out my classroom at full speed as the teacher dissmisis us and the bell ring. I push past a few people and get a few threats and complaints as I speed down the hallway but I just ignore them. It's finally Friday after a long week of exams and best of all it's summer break! I don't hate school, I mean the teachers are great (except for Mr Ters he's a pain) and I've got some really good marks but I need freedom. And Ben promised me that he would let me and Lilly watch Disney movies tonight!

And best of all no one has any plans for the next few weeks! Ben and Harry aren't going on any camp trips with any friends because , well there was kind of a fight and their friends are avoiding them. 
Zioni's friends went on holiday to Mexico and wont be back till the end of summer.
Lilly's friends are all going on holiday as well and I ... I got no friends.

I do want some but not one in school. They aren't all bad people just not ones I'd find friend material for me.

"Well well well." I hear the all to familiar voice say teasingly. I role my eyes and quickly dump all my school books from my locker into a box that I can carry home.

"Seems I beat you yet again short stack~" Ben laughs, bringing me into a playful headlock and ruffling up my hair.

"Well you were let out 10 minutes early." I mumble, getting out of his grip "Right?" I ask, hopefully I'm right.

No one's pov

He laughs and nods picking up a huge box by his feet. He could never resist the the opportunity to tease you about it. He looks at the box fulled up with everything that's in your locker. He looks at you sadly, wondering how you grew up so fast.  If he could he would go back to when he first met you those six years ago he would. You and his sister are growing up too fast.

-Time skip-

"Hello dearies." an old woman greets at you and Ben walk through the front door. She gets up off  of her comfy lounge chair, using her oak stick that has the head of a crocodile carved into the handle, to help.

"I see you both have all your stuff this year." she chuckles, giving both your embarrassed, blushing forms a warm hug. You couldn't help but smile at how she smelt. Cinnamon rolls and roses. The sweet scent put both of you at ease after the long walk.

"Yes auntie you don't need to rub it in." Ben says with a grin, picking up the heavy box. She always bought up the one time they left their stuff at school for the summer by mistake as well as insisting that all the children referred to her as auntie. It makes her heart warm and full. She never got married or had children, she never found the right man. She has so many relatives, dozens in London but she felt she needed children in her life and therefore with her old family home set up a foster home. She couldn't have asked for better children to take care of but she only hopes she can last long enough to see them turn into adults.

Mrs Merry's pov

I watch as the two make their way up the stairs, dragging the bag with them. A sudden loud squeal rings throughout my home.

It seems little Lilly was more excited than I thought. I think to myself.

Looking out the window in the lounge I see that the sun has begun to set. Tonight may be the best time to tell them about this house. The stories that were told here and the beginning of one of the greatest of all time.

The history of the Darling's house.

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