Sometimes to save someone you need to take the hit

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No one's pov

The net catches on of the many mers the pirate had been chasing from the other side of the island, one that looks mostly human at that.

"Well Well~ Lookie here me hearties I've caught me self a turtle!" teases a bulky man with a leg and eye missing with black hair. His crew mates cheer and laugh, some firing a separate net to attempt to catch one of the other 'mermaids'. It has been a good decade since they've captured a mer and they couldn't pass up the opportunity. Even though it came so close to the damn crocodile's cave.

"REEL HER IN BOYS!" Captain Hook yells with a sickening smirk.

"C-captain I don't think we should do this?" Mr Smee asks hesitantly watching the thrashing girl under the water being drawn closer and closer.

Hook turns to his first mate with a cold glare, towering over the average chubby man with ease, "Oh and why is that Smee?" he brings his hook to his hand and begins to play with the shiny tip of the dreadful replacement for a hand.

"B-b-b-because." the poor man stutters, "I saw some of those mermaids and they are huge! If we get them angry they could-"

Hook suddenly grabs Smee by the collar of his shirt. With his hook! He brings him closer to his face, a blank frown that betrays his psychotic eyes. The crew noticing their captains behaviour all freeze in place ceasing whatever they may have been doing. A bone chilling silence engulfs the ship all eyes on their ferocious leader. Some watched because it entertained them, some with piry for Smee, some just to board and the rest watching to now when to make a run for their lives.

"Smee~" Hook says holding the man in mid air by the collar, his hook's tip too close to his neck for his licking.

"That be ye third warnin. One more an' ye will walk the plank!" Hook threatens throwing Mr Smee into a bunch of barrels of fish guts.

"BACK TE' WORK YE STUPID SEA DOGS!" he yells at the top of his lungs.

When suddenly all of the pirates stopped doing anything and nothing could be heard you took the opportunity to go to the 'mermaid'. The girl has short black hair tied up in two small ponytails as well as a pink streak in it. She wears a shirt with a belt. Where her legs are supposed to be there is a turtle's body, a leatherback sea turtle you think. However the eye catching pink that matches her hair catches your eye easily. She looks about your age.

The girl struggles relentlessly against the thin metal net that can hold a merformer.  She should have listened to Bulkhead when he told her to hide. But no she had to see the pirate ship and now she's going to be turned into fish food!

"Scrap!" Miko curses as the net causes one of her flippers to get cut.

"Hey are you kaoy?" you ask slowly swimming towards her.

She stares at you in shock before trying her eyes practically turn into stars' "WOW! I never knew Hook had a girl on board!" she states/shouts excitedly.

You place your finger to your lip. She gets the idea and makes a 'zipping' motion over her mouth. You sigh and bring out your shell dagger. Taking a the net in your hand you begin to cut it.

"My name is y/n and I am not a pirate! I would never follow that codfish!" you whisper jokingly.

"I'm Miko!" she smiles happily admiring your kindness.

"Nice to meet you. Oh and just so you know I'm with Peter Pan-" you begin.

"NO WAY!" Miko interrupts excitedly. Not only is Peter Pan real but you know him. AWESOME!

"SHHHHHH" you silently yell at her. She rolls her eyes playfully and whispers.

"Where is he?"

"He's out gathering supplies for winter. I saw the ship from the beach and swam over and now I'm helping you escape."

"How long have you been here." she ask as you cut another few strands

"3 days including today." you say concentrated on cutting the turtle-girl free.

Miko stares at you in pure shock and wonder. If she weren't in this situation she would be drowning you in questions.

"And - got it!" you say cutting the last part of the net needed for the energetic teen to be free.

Miko cheers and zooms out of the net, grabbing your hand and taking you with her, "Thank you so much you just saved my but!"

You laugh at her energy and smile. Suddenly a loud roar of anger catches both of your attentions.

"Captain!" a pirate yells, "It be the las that dropped ye in the water. SHE FREED THE MERMAID!"


You stare at the pirates from about five meters away from the ship in fear as Hook raises a gun.

Time seems to stop as you push Miko out the way, Hook pulls the trigger and a loud bang echoes throughout the area catching the attention of four mers and three humans/temporary mers. The bullet cuts through the air, it's target not fast enough to dodge, the distance to short and fear paralyzing.

The bullet pierces you through your left shoulder followed by a scream of pain. A scream that could be felt deep in ones spark, feeling the pain and fear as if it's their own. Tears stream down your cheeks as you clutch your shoulder slowly sinking down into the depths of the beautiful blue waters. Blood twirls in intriquite patterns around you quickly seeping into the water at an alarming rate and colouring it red.

A mer silently watches from a behind a small boat wreck, once belonging to the Jolly Roger with a curious stare. Due to him being based off a piranha it takes everything in him to not go to you and devour your flesh. He smells the water around him catching the scent of your blood almost immediately. The others must hear about this.

Miko quickly swims down to you. She grabs you by your arms and with all her might gets you to the surface.

Just as you make contact with the air you pass out from blood loss. However blood continues to gush out the bullet hole. 

"Y/n?" Miko says looking at you worriedly.

"Y-y/n wake up!" she shouts shaking your shoulders.

Booming laughter comes from the pirates of the Jolly Roger. Many shouts of victory and joy come from it.

"That's what ye get for messin' with the capin'!"

"Ye had it comin!"

"Ohh what' wrong? Dying already!"

"Not so tough without Petey and pixie dust are ya!"

Are just a few of the horrid things the pirates mock.

Hook stares down at your form, head held high and with a sickening smirk.

Miko growls at them, still holding your form. She is about to begin yelling and threatening the damn bastards until three giant form rise out of the water.

Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead glare at the now silent pirates, daring them to come closer and meet their doom.

Mr Smee asks what should they do as he looks scaredly at Bulkhead. They had never seen such a muscular mer till now and with all three of them they could easily sink the ship and kill them all since they are so low on bullets, cannonballs and gunpowder. 

Retreating they leave behind a group of very concerned beings and dying human.

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