Meet the Lost Light

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No one's pov

You wince as two more of the massive boulders are smashed by the two fighting mers. Not exactly how you thought your day would go but it's still interesting. Lilly stares in awe at a huge male mer that just surfaced from behind the rocks, steadily moving closer and closer towards the two of you.

Shouting that consists of threats, what you presume is curses and something about wreckers never listening booms through the small beach. Both mechs have not yet realised that the two humans who they were observing have now spotted them. Most of the other merformers although have and are beginning to come closer.

"Do they always act like this?" you ask just before a loud war cry is heard and Whirl lunges at Ultra Magnus.

"Mostly." Cyclonus groans at the two mechs stupidity. He expected this from Whirl but Ultra Magnus? Of all the times the two have a fight it's when they finally meet two human femmes that are not trying to kill them and one is a even pup. At times he had to wonder why he even joined this pod.

Tailgate on the other had has brought Lilly in for another cuddle.

"Your so cute!" he purrs releasing a few churrs and clicks in an unknown language. Lilly giggles and snuggles closer to the white and blue creature who is surprisingly really warm. 

She likes this mer and he is going to be her friend she decides and smiles happily at him. He smiles back and nuzzles the little girl with happy churrs. Who knew a sparkling cloud be so cute?

You chuckle at the two enjoying the scene. Cyclonus is frowning but inside his smiling at the cute scene between them. His attention then goes back to you.

You stare at his mate and your younger sister with a soft smile and relaxed aura, a sense of peace radiating off you. He had journeyed to Earth's oceans many times, seeing humans live, die and pollute their ancestors home. He had ... done horrific things to humans. Most deceptisirens have and some continue. yet in all his time in those destroyed waters he never met a human that acts like you towards them.

Of course you did have a spark attack when he shot out the water and were a bit frightened by him. But you kept your cool. You never screamed in pure fear or called him a monster. You just observed the situation, seeing if he was a threat or friend and trying to protect the little pup all along. Even if you didn't realise it you were always in front of the little girl when feeling threatened, always ready to take the blow so that she could escape.

He had never seen something like that from a human before.

Now the sparkling he can already say he is fond of. She may be energetic and it seems a bit talkative yet she somehow reminds him of Tailgate.

Now remember those blue leaf shoes you made? Well they caught the attention of a certain blue ribbon eel.

"Greetings." Brainstorm says happily surfacing his upper body out of the water

"Holy mother of mac and cheese!" you shout having the third? yup third heart attack of the day.

Lilly giggles at your cursing before staring in wonder at the mers that come out of the ocean, all looking at you two.

A particular mer is just bursting with energy. A lionfish mer.

"You guys really like scaring people don't you?" you chuckle heart beat still beating a mile a minute.

"Depends on the human." Rodimus confesses as you go deeper into the water to get to Lilly. The mers silently come closer all curious.

"Y/n!" Lilly squeels jumping into your arms and knocking you into the water.

Your pov

How did you not see this coming I mental scold myself. If I could sigh I would but I'm currently underwater. Lilly smiles mischievously from above me. Oh revenge shall be mine ya little trouble maker.

Quickly I sit bolt upright, causing Lilly to fall back first into the water in fright. I chuckle and, still sitting, pick her up and put her in my lap.

"Revenge is best served cold~" I coo placing my chi on her head. She huffs and snuggles closer to me.

"Your evil." she pouts.


"And your a trouble maker."

A loud cough catches my attention, seeing it to belong to the blue and yellow mer that gave me a heart attack.

... well this is awkward.

"So" the mer that is a variety of yellows. reds and oranges states now barely a meter away from me, "My name is Rodimus and I am the leader of this pod, the Lost Light."

I nod in understanding encouraging him to go on.

"You've already met Tailgate and Cyclonus." he motions towards the two mers.

"And-" he's cut off by a mer that looks about the size of me coming up to us, taking my hand and shaking int fastly. 

"Hi! How ya doin? Names Swerve I'm the owner of the pod's mini bar and I'm a flounder mer if ya haven't noticed." wow this guy talks a lot, "Do you know what that is? Are you sure your okay you look a little funny. Ha ha ha! Just pulling your tail- wait you don't have one I mean lag-is it lag?"

"Um legs." I answer.

"Oh that makes a lot of sense! Sorry about that I've just never met an actual human before since your kind are really and I mean really bad- not that your bad I bet your a great femme! Anyway the barracuda over there is my buds skids."

"Hello." the mer greets giving me a small wave. I wave back with a smile feeling that I can trust him. STill how the heck can this guy- er mer say so much in just one breath. Are his lungs bigger than a humans?

"The femme over there is Nautica she's really good with you humans engines and boats and all that crazy stuff. Ohh and Mr Clownfish over here is Rung, don't let the species fool you he's not funny at all. He's actually a physiatrist. And Swordfish over there is Drift, interesting fact he used to be a shark. And the giant seahorse is Chromedome he has needles that can go into your bran and see all your memories. And the black and white snapper over there is Rewind he records everything and he and Chromedome are mates. Then there's Perceptor I think he's a red arowana fish? Can't remember. Then the humpback whale over there is Ultra Magnus, he's the second in command and is all rules. Really he was going to close my bar, great place by the way I'll take you sometime and the mantis shrimp he's fighting is Whirl mind you he's a bit crazy. No actually he's insane! Oh and i almost forgot the huge whale shark over there is Fortress Maximus!"

Holy mother of god ... he just told me all of that in two breaths? Are all of them like this?

Suddenly I'm snapped out of my thoughts as the giant whale shark comes towards us. Before I can do or say anything he scoops us up in his massive hands. I stare in awe at him, his touch so gentle and gaze so soft. Yet I can see something behind those glowing blue eyes. Pain, loss, hatred. At that moment I knew what I want to do.

I am going to help this giant creature heal, I will be his friend I can see he needs one. 


The giant mer tilts his head at Lilly's words, confusion clearly present. 

"There's a story" I begin not a single sound present other than the ocean's waves, "Of a giant who befriended a little girl and together did great things. He was called BFG which stands for-

"Big Friendly giant!" Lilly ends happily.

He, Fortress Maximus, has an expression of shock to say the least. He brings us closer to his face, staring at us both intensely. Lilly only giggles and hugs his face, smiling and saying, "I'm going to call you BFG!"

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