A cute mantaray

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No one's pov

"Holy primus that humans cute." a red and black ribbon eel mer mutters, his blue brother nodding in agreement and practically drooling.

"Look at those scars ..." the blue ribbon eel mer awes.

A happy chirp comes from beside them, a small purple and pink manta ray swims in a circle around them, squeaking and chirping to his brothers. They both just ignore him and continue staring at your form as you swim to the small seaweed forest.

"Must be another one of the new ones on the island." the red and black one states earning the mantaray to slap him on the back of his helm with his tail. Chirping and squeaking angrily because he had just said that.

"I'm gonna go take a closer look. You coming Rumble?" the black and red one asks turning to the blue one.

"Hell yeah!" Rumble cheers swimming up to his brother.

"Ratbat stop it." the red and black minimer growls as his younger sibling with a glare.

Ratbat simply swims in front of them towards your form that is underwater and using a shell dagger to pry off sea urchins from the roots of a long piece of seaweed.

"Frenzy do you want to tease her a bit? Like we did with the others." Rumble asks, hiding behind a large bed of sea sponges to spy on you.

"Nah. Lets just watch her - I mean Soundwave did tell us to do that." Frenzy states hiding along side his brother.

But then their optics widen, catching sight of the little mantaray swimming closer and closer to you.

Your pov

Digging the sharp end of my shell dagger underneath the spikey sucker I get it off. Careful not to touch it I put it in the bag Peter gave me for them. It's made of leather so I wont get poked thankfully. I quickly swim up to the surface of the water. Taking a big gulp of air I go back down to get another. As quickly as I can I place the dagger underneath a rando urchin and push. Doing that again I put them both in the bag and go for air agan.

"I - huh- think that's enough." I pant.

Yup ten sea urchins is enough. With one last deep breath I begin swimming back to shore.

I would never guess in a million years that would have been how she reacted. Of course she's still a kid - 6! I should have known she would have taken it that way. But I meant every word from the bottom of my heart. She, Ben, Harry, Zioni - even Peter and I've only known him for two or so days - I could never live with myself if they came to harm.

"Y/N LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Lilly yells from the beach waving a small golden coin in her hand.

"That's so cool flower! That is the luckiest find so far!" I cheer from the water. Still that's amazing! I'm happy she found it.

Still swimming through the water I suddenly feel something brush against my leg.

Jumping - at least as much as I can in water - and look at what just touched me.

no one's pov

Ratbat stares up at you with a happy chirp, swimming around you in circles and rubbing against you happily. At first your scared out of your mind but then realise what he was actually doing. You chuckle hesitantly reaching out your hand to him. You stop mid way, however the little mammal is impatient and touches his forehead with your falm. He clicks happily as he nuzzles your hand. He likes how soft you are and kind and not scared. Most humans actually try to kill or capture him since he is 'special' because of his colours. His dad, Soundwave, was worried about this and forbid him from coming to earth along with his siblings other than Laserbeak. Ravage was left in charge to watch his younger siblings - much to his displeasure - and was relieved when he could finally go into action ... At least he thought it was.

However he was assigned to monitor Megatron and the lost light - not that was an adventure.

You gently stroke the mantaray before heading closer to shore so that you can stand. You think that he will swim away but he just follows you, chirping and squeaking happily all the while.

You giggle, sitting down in the water. Ratbat chirps excitedly and swims into your lap, resting on it as you gently pet him, all the while purring and snuggling closer and closer to your body.

"Your so cute!" you coo happily at the little ray. Well he is the length of your legs but he's so cute!

Ratbat purrs louder snuggling closer to your exposed stomach. You chuckle. But suddenly -


A loud explosion goes off to your right. Ratbat, terrified, swims away as fast as he can back to his brothers. Ravage growls, smelling the gun powder and rum of the pirates ship. Lilly screams and runs over to you. You get out of the water, telling her it's okay and helping her to calm down.

You stare into the distance, seeing the Jolly Roger itself and a cannon with smoke flowing out of it. Angry yells and barking laughter echoes throughout the open air. However that's not what catches your attention. The cannon that was fired, a net was being reeled in from it, one made of terrible metal wire that even from where you are you can see the rust.

An idea sparking you look to Lilly. She looks back at you, shaky and nervous but not scared.

"Lilly I need you to do something for me." you say looking her dead in the eye.

"You need to run home and hide - hide until nightfall and don't come out." you say seriously yet gently trying to hide your fear and concern.

"W-what about you?" she asks worried about you.

"I'm going to hide all the stuff we just found and myself and watch the ship. I'm going to stay here until it goes away so that I know we aren't in danger." you lie. What your going to do is reckless, stupid and many would say insane.

"Are you going to be okay?" she asks.

"Definitely. Go home and lie in your bed. Cuddle with Sharko and read some of your books, you can take these blackberries to snack on and just with for the others. Okay?"

"Okie dokie!" she says enthusiastically, running to the small basket of berries she picks it up and with a last wave goodbye she runs off to the large tree. If it weren't so close and big you would never have let her go. She may still be young but her sense of direction is amazing.

Ravage stares at you, seeing through your lie and coming to an conclusion. You are either very brave or very stupid.  Making his decision he runs after the little human, watching over her from the shadows and swearing that he'll protect her. he may hate humans but she is only a pup and he thinks she's cute. His brothers fell for your lie but are now having a spark attack as you begin swimming to the wretched ship.

You had indeed hid away all the supplies, only bringing with you your shell knife that you are beginning to love. The ship isn't to far out, you can swim to it and you know you need to.

You don't know why but something is pulling you towards the ship now. Something is happening and you need to do something about it. It's like you need to be there! It isn't your curiosity - at least not all of it - not even you are that dumb but something more. 

Finally reaching the ship you quietly gulp in as much air as your lungs can hold, tired from the swim. However you almost scream as the cannon goes off again, firing right above you. You're about to head back when you hear a scream of fear and shock coming from below the water.

And then you see her

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