Mermaids? More like Merformers!

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Lost Light's pov

"Frag!" Skids cusses as he accidentally bumps into a rock causing a huge splash. Most of the lost light members are here, a lot of them currently facepalming and freaking out because the two human femmes heard him.

Fortress Maximus, a whale shark merformer sighs. Why did he even come?

Nautica a mystery wrasse tries to calm the cursing barracuda mer down before the humans freak out. She had of course seen humans before. She even saw Wendy and was one of the ones that did try to drown her. SHe doesn't like to talk about it.

Chromedome a seahorse mer hovers close to his mate, Rewind a black and white snapper minimer. Rewind stares at the two humans, recording everything with a childish delight. He can't believe he's seeing a human, let alone a femme and a sparkling!  No mer has seen a sparkling in centuries and thanks to this it's a really big deal. No way in the pits is he not getting this on recording! He looks over the large rocks by the tidepools, popping his head just above them to see the humans.

The femme he notices is standing in front of the sparkling who looks a bit scared. The femme has an expression of curiosity, fear and protectiveness, looking directly where the Lost Light pod silently bickers however failing to notice the small mer hidden behind a few rocks.

Tailgate on the other hand is coming closer to them from their left through the ocean, wanting to meet them and cuddle the small sparkling because of how adorable she is! Cyclonus is right on his tail, not liking the idea at all but seeing that they both don't stand much of a threat. As well as both not dressing even close to those of the pirates and being unarmed. He could always protect the beluga if anything got out of servo.

No one's pov

You stare at the large boulders, trying to identify any sight of pirates that would dare come on this side of the island near Peter Pan's home as well as Lilly. The problem is even though you have your pocket knife it's blunt, extremely blunt. You had used it to carve things in wood and over the years it had lost it's sharpness but you were too lazy to sharpen it. And it tiny! You regret it now though.

Lilly hides behind you, remembering some of the pirates that had scared her yesterday. A lot of them looked terrifying with missing limbs, golden teeth, tattoos and just being so menacing. She didn't want the pirates to take her and she knew that if they came you both wouldn't be able to escape. You had no pixie dust and Peter along with her big brother wouldn't be coming home till sunset. What can you do? 

You alone could maybe take on a pirate or two but you aren't a fighter. Not to mention they probably have guns.

You both are so focused on the tidepools and rocks that you fail to notice the blue and white beluga merformer easing his way onto the shore.


Your pov

Immediately I turn my head in the direction of the voice. It doesn't sound anything like a pirates would, too nice. Not to mention it sounds happy. My eyes widen as I see the creature that spoke.

What is it?

My curiosity takes place of most of my fear, but just because I'm curious doesn't mean I'm not catiouse.

The creature lays on the sand just by the waves, the water splashing around it's white and blue body and ... tail?

It doesn't look human but at the same time does? I'm not sure how to say it. For some reason their tail reminds me of a belugas.

Their bright sky blue eyes look at me with a childish happiness as well as kindness. He is about the same size as me, maybe a bit taller.

Maybe I should say hi?

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