More humans in Neverland ... what could go wrong?

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No one's pov

"Miko." Bulkhead the sea turtle mer scolds at seeing his charges bag. In her backpack there is a bunch of snacks like chips,chocolate and a soda can as well as an all too familiar relic. The teen groans and puts it aside reluctantly, she really just wanted to be able to swim around in the awesome armor that Optimus had willingly let her keep and use in battle. 

June sighs and continues her conversation with Ratchet. She, along with agent Fowler, had insisted that they accompany the kids. They were not letting three teenagers go into some other world filled with danger with ot them. Sorry my mistake June insisted agent Fowler backed her up but is not coming due to a 'meeting' coming up at the exact same time as their departure. Optimus had tried to reason with them but .... you can't reason with a protective mother.

Jack is not too excited to have his mother watching him the whole time. Raf quickly closes his waterproof backpack and takes a small piece of dried seaweed from a pile in the corner of the large cave.

hesitantly he shoves the whole thing in his mouth with a disgusted expression. Swallowing it he begun climbing into the water. In a second his legs begin to glow slightly before joining together and making a clownfish tail appear. His guardian, an orca by the name of Bumblebee swims up to him excitedly letting out multiple different sounding churrs and clicks that the boy laughs to. Unfortunately due to a wound on his neck where a huge scar now lies he is not able to speak properly, just churrs, purrs, clicks growls ect.

Miko grabs a piece and swallows it without chewing quickly her legs are replaced by a leather back sea turtle's body. The fins [?] are black with the same colour pink as her hair bordering the edges of it, her shell matching with pink highlights going in between the bumps that make up the pattern on her shell.

Jack is next, having his legs transform into a firefishe's and his mother's turning into a Knysna seahorse tail.

Jack shivers and looks to his guardian who smiles amusedly down at him, "I will never get used to that."

You see that seaweed that they just consumed was a special type from Neverland's waters. it only grows in between rocks and coral on the Southern side of the island in Cannibal cove where Captain Hook's ship is usually acquired. The seaweed when dried is able to temporarily turn a human into a mer for about a day, 12-20 hours depends on the human. It is also a great bandage for mers as it speeds the healing process and does it better than any other medicine. Many mers eat it whenever they can but it's very risky to go near the pirate ship.

But there is something else special about it can be used for. Discovered by Shockwave the cray mad emotionless scientist himself if the seaweed, known as Primus seaweed, is shredded into small pieces and combined a few other ingredients. The venom of some black sea urchins found on the Northern side of the island, crushed anemone tentacles [I have no clue what the heck they're called], squid ink, a few drops of mer saliva, sun dried energon seeds and a secret ingredient he refuses to reveal. The result is spectacular yet horrifying at the same time.

Miko swims past them on her back, "So are we going to meet ultra Magnus' pod, the one Ratchet and bucket head were a part of a while ago."

Ratchet immediately stops what he's doing and looks at them all seriously, "Miko ... there are a lot of them and I have no doubt Bulkhead will agree with me when I say Whirl is a danger to you."

Miko looks to her guardian, seeing him sigh sadly and nod his helm, "He ... he used to be a wrecker before he tried to kill one of us."

Miko is about to cut him off to ask a question but he beats her to it, "And no, it's not Wheeljack. His name was Springer and he was in a coma. Whirl thought he would never wake up and tried to kill him as painlessly as he could."

"Bulkhead that's not what I meant." Ratchet sighs.

"Look-Miko- I know for a fact you wont listen to me but I spent time with that delinquint. I healed him and watched all the chaos he bought with him. He is insane, easily angered and dangerous. I would feel better in myself if I told you this before you go on a ex-wrecker hunt." he does air quotations on the ex-wreckers hunt.

Miko rolls her eyes and swims off to the ground bridge, ready to go explore Neverland's waters and have an awesome time.

"Wait a second Ratchet." June says coming closer to him.

"You said that there are a lot of good bot's there too. i know that a mer you were training to be the next chief medical officer is in that pod. As well as Rodimus that mer that holds half the matrix."

"Held half the matrix." he corrects.

"Look there are good mers there- amazing ones! But also dangerous ones. Ones I would rather not have Miko or any of these pups around."

Ratchet fires up the ground bridge, swirls of blues and green appear in the circular coral structure.

With a wave goodbye from Raf and Bumblebee they all go through the portal leaving Ratchet and optimus alone. 

Optimus pats his old friend on the shoulder as the old medic sighs, "Do not worry old friend. The Lost Light are a good pod, if they so happen to meet them they will not come to harm."

"That's not what I'm worried about Optimus."

Optimus stares at his old friend.

"The D.J.D, the scavengers, Tyrest, Pharma, Overlord and every other fragger up there. You know how they will react." he sighs.

Optimus says nothing and just stays with Ratchet until he goes back to work. The prime knew of the risks yet he trusts the Lost Light pod will protect them. He knows they will.

"Yahoo!!" Miko cheers as she does a loopty loop in the water. 


Bulkhead chuckles at his charges enthusiasm and swims up to her side.

"It has that effect on people, same with your world and us."

"Awesome sauce!" she shouts happily.

"So where exactly are we?" Jack asks as he swims to Arcee hoping for an answer.

"We're on the west side of the island by the humans camp." she says.

"You mean the red indians?" Raf asks.

Bee clicks saying ["Yup they've been here for ages!"] while nodding his head.

"So what should we do first?" June asks swimming to the sandy bottom the ocean and picking up an interesting pink polka dotted white shell that resembles a clam.

"We could show you mermaid lagoon ." Arcee says.



Second chapter I've written today not to bad I must say.

Hey I rhymed.

If you guys want you can check out my tfa bitty book.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter!

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