The prophecy

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Many mers and human sit along the northern east coast of Neverland, all angered and concerned about a certain h/c haired human girl who sits by a crackling fire with a black wolf fur coat wrapped around their violently shaking shoulders. She slowly sips from a small wooden cup filled to the brim with a herbal tea made by the very humans that have lived on the island for centuries.

Ten red Indians sit around the fire, four women including the young 14 looking princess who sits closely to the red eyed girl, silently praying for her life. The chief sits right across from them near the edge of the sandy beach by the two leaders of the merformers. An hour ago they had come to where the unfortunate events of mers practically declaring war against each other took place. And those who came saw the enchanting sight of an almost adult teenager being cuddled by many mers, all purring and chirping reassuringly. At first the beings of the sea did not notice them however when they did the chief did what was needed.

He smiled

They, the red Indians, knew of the events that took place long before they even happened. The fire and bones of their tribes elder and healer showed these events as well as the consequences years ago. 16 to be precise on the very day the child had was born. They know that they needed to come to this beach and bring the boy they had chosen to be the fairies' guardian and the few additions to his small tribe, all of whom watch the traumatized human closely from around the fire.

They ... they didn't know what to do. They wanted to help but hugging her or even speaking at this point would only increase the fear and make things worse. Peter Pan couldn't believe it when Arcee and Chromia, two of his old friends told him of the recent events. He gazes at the girl with pity. Never in his life has he even seen fear like this. He had seen hatred, pain, sadness and his fair share of fear but ... nothing like this. Nothing so extreme. The family watch in concert having the same realisation as their new family member. Never had this silent girl ever experienced such fear.

The mers watch silently, many fearing the girl's spark had been broken and mind shattered. And far off many miles into the sea a small necklace begins glowing, beating fastly to the quick rhythm of the girl's heart beat, clutched in the claws of a curious mer.

Now the girl continues sipping the tea, mind clouded in fear and senses barely working.

"Child" the chief begins, the fire sending shadows across his middle aged and caring face as well as the massive amount of feathers atop his head. She hesitantly moves her e/c eyes away from the flames.

The mers watch, some wishing to hold her and calm her shaking form. The humans, still in their mer like forms, watch nervously from the waves. Even the loudest keeping silent.

"You need to know something." he states clearly still having his accent. Glowing red and blue orbs alert the warriors of the group the mers have questions, have anger.

He leans back, his arms crossed and brown eyes locked onto her e/c jewels that sparkle thanks to the previous tears.

"Many years ago our healer received a message from the ancestors. A prophecy. A prophecy about you." He looks to the two leaders of the beings of the sea, both showing no signs of  threat.

He continues. "Through the flames of fire and the bones and stones we learnt of your existence as well as the war raging between the merformers. At first the flames showed their war but quickly went to a small human child, maybe five, being beaten by a woman." his eyes soften even more as he sees her stifen. So she was the girl.

"We watched as many events of abuse became the small child, slowly getting older and older. We watched as it showed her finding a family with the dieing grandchild of the blue bird." he refers to Wendy, his elders choosing that name for her many decades ago.

"We saw that Peter took them away, bringing them here and laughing with them. But we also saw that same child risking her life for a human type mer creature trapped in the nets of the pirates. The look of fear never left our hearts as we watched Hook raise his gun and shoot her in the shoulder." he suddenly becomes more serious, not wanting to frightened the girl who touches where the bullet once was.

"Many children screamed as they saw the vicious mers stand tall against the many that surrounded the human girl in a circle, shielding her from the coral masked squid." the princess gently hugs her knees at the memory, the overwhelming feeling of fear echoing forth from those mers were enough to make her scream in terror and run for safety as well as many of the tribe's people. She never saw the rest.

" From there we saw that same human in the ocean surrounded by many male mers, all showing their soul to her and waiting for her choice." he mentally dies in guilt, so much more had been seen, so much more danger and pain and yet he couldn't tell of the event. He could not warn you. The ancestors had warned them to not warn the child no matter the cost for it would alter the events of time. And these events no matter how unjust could not be prevented. This poor innocent girl would have to face demons lurking in the depths of the ocean and then choose who to bind her destiny with. The guilt just ate away at his very core.

"Meaning?" The lionfish asks not connecting the dots and earning glares from many mers.

"Meaning that she will have to choose a mate from the few who offer their love to her." says the humpback whale mer, only to earn a shake of the head from the chief and scoff from a young warrior who gets hit on the head with the back of his elder brother's spear.

"In some ways no." the short haired man replies still glaring down at his brother in disgust. He saw the fire and yet here he was acting up in front of this child, younger than himself would have to go through pain he could never comprehend.

"Some offered her their love, some pleasure and some with a hidden knife behind their back." he states watching as the smallest of the new additions to Neverland runs to the shaking girl and hugs her.

"What are you saying?" the leader of the automers asks, his once brother already knowing and hating the answer.

"She will have mers attempt gaining her heart. Some for their own selfish desires, some out of greed for power and others for love, very few for love." a woman with long hair woven with owl feathers sighs bringing the cup to the girls lips again as to sooth her pain. She had always felt pity for the girl in the flames they all know as The suffering ocean song. Her own children all so young had been told her story as a way to get them to sleep. And yet the one who it is about shall never know it but have to experience it. Every last torture.

"Who does she choose?" the whale shark asks desperately.

The young warrior chuckles and holds a sickening smirk, "The wrong one." he jokes.

However the girl doesn't realise and collapsed out of pure exhaustion and fear, cup falling from her hands as she hits the sand.

"Ahaya how could you!" the princess screams two men leaping to hold her back from the shocked boy.

"How could you joke about something like this. This girl isn't even your mental age and dare say something like that. We don't even know who she chooses.Why are you so cruel!"

the boy grunts as his brother punches him in the face, flying backwards and hitting himself against a tree where a certain panther growls from. Wanting to kill the foolish human.

Yet the girl lays on the sand. A void of peace preventing any nightmares of reality inside


Yay I posted this at 12 at night

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