You're okay ... kinda

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June's pov

"JUNE HELP!" I hear Miko yell desperately. Oh no she must have gotten shot! Immediately I swim as fast as my tail can take me to her, we told her not to go anywhere near them we told her this could happen but just like always she heads into danger. If she's hurt I will never forgive myself. If I had just watched her more closely none of this would have happened!

"Mom what's going on?" my son asks swimming next to me with a worried expression. Raf swims a bit behind both of us but still close enough so that I can touch him with my tail.

"I think Miko's been shot!"

I swim as fast as I can seeing all the mers gathered around Miko protectively against the retreating pirates. Miko why do you always get in trouble!

Bumblebee chirps hurriedly when he sees me, becoming my closer frantically as Miko cries.

Arcee gently pulls me over  in front of Miko "June! She's losing blood - FAST!" 

Oh god

A girl, maybe Miko's age, lies in her arms. A bullet wound in her shoulder pouring with crimson blood swirling in the water all around us like shadows caging a soul in a vast ocean of blue. Her h/c hair messily covers her pale face losing colour by the second. Unconscious.

"I need to operate on her - now!" I can't believe it. Wiping all other questions from my mind Bulkhead gently picks her and myself up and swims at over 100 miles per hour to the closest beach.

Thank god I bought my first aid kit.

As she is set down on the soft sand I begin treating her wound.

No one's pov

June quickly cleans your wound before getting out a small syringe of a clear liquid and injects it into your shoulder so that you don't feel any of the pain. 

All three mers and humans watch in concern as she takes out the bloodied bullet from your shoulder. She wastes no time and stitches the wound close.

However they are not the only ones watching as your wound is treated. Two small mers and a mantaray watch. How could things escalate so quickly? Not even an hour ago you were playing with Ratbat and now you're unconscious and hurt.

Frenzy is having a hard time believing any of this is real and Rumble is hoping that you will be okay. Poor Ratbat is chirping sadly, his way of crying, in fear that you are dying.

And that parhana mer? He swam away a while ago, not even sticking around to watch as the three mers protected you.

Miko stays close to you the whole time. You only just met her -  you didn't even know her for a day and you took a bullet for her. THAT"S AWESOME! But not cool, your hurt and it's all because she wasn't careful. She just met you and she already trusts you - like as much as Raf and Jack.

"Miko." Bulkhead starts as June finishes wrapping a bandage around your wounded shoulder, "Who is she?"

Everyone mentally sighs in relief at the question that they had all been dying to ask . Except for one mer who recognises you and has a feeling that a certain red haired boy will want answers. All eyes fall on the turtle-mer. She looks at your unconscious body.

"She said her name's y/n and that she's with Peter Pan. She used a shell knife to cut me free ... and pushed me out of the way when Hook fired at me." She explains excitement clear in her voice at first but subsiding at the mention of the pirate.

Jack scoffs and facepalms, "Miko please don't tell me you trust her." it's more of a statement than a question. He doubted Peter Pan is real, sure Neverland is but that doesn't necessarily mean he is ... it made sense at first but now he realises he just sounded dumb.

"Uh yeah of course I do. Jack she just took a bullet for me - that's pretty hardcore!" she defends sassily. Her guardian looks at you for a moment, your shirtless form exposing all of your small injuries - scratches and burn marks alike. He can't help but feel that you can be trusted, that you don't have any ulterior motives. You saved Miko's life and took a bullet for her - and you don't know her. The more he thinks about it the more he trusts you.

"Miko are you sure she isn't a pirate?" Raf asks hesitantly.

Miko stares at him blankly her eye's blinking twice before she says, "Dude - why the hell would captain crazy firstly have a girl as one of his crew members. Secondly why would she free me if she was one. Thirdly why would he try and shoot me if he knew he could hit her. Fourthly why would she take a bullet for me if she was a pirate and fifthly there is no way that she's related to hook."

"Miko's right." Arcee says with crossed arms, optics never leaving your form.

"WHAT?" Everyone - even Miko - shout in confusion.

"She's one of the kids I saw flying the other day." she states seriously.

Bumblebee chirps questionly and Arcee chuckles, "I'm sure Bee."

"So then where's the kid?" Bulkhead asks.

At that moment they all hear the sound of a ... cockerel? Wait -

"Speak of the devil and he shall come." Arcee sighs before releasing a beautiful sound. A smooth echoing call that can place anyone under a sleepy trance of pure peace. 

And it doesn't go unheard.

Four figures along with a sparkling light fly next to them.

"Arcee!" an excited voice cheers flying ahead of the other three figures.

Peter flys happily towards his old friend flying to her at top speed.

"Long time no see!"

"Well I've been busy - and so have you?" she chuckles spotting the other humans and seeing them properly.

Ben grins as he sees the small group of mers knowing this was gonna come eventually.

"Friend of yours chicken boy?" he asks, already using the slightly playful slightly insulting nickname.

"Yeah she is hothead." he throws back with a laugh.

Zioni waves excitedly at Bumblebee, flying around him in circles happily, "Yellow! Names Zioni I'm the fun one of our small family" she smiles happily receiving happy chirps from the orca.

"He says it's nice to meet you and his name is Bumblebee. I'm Raf by the way." the small boy says proudly shifting his glasses.

Zioni hangs upside down in front of him with a cheeky grin, "Nice te meet ya kiddo."

"For your information I'm 13."

"Oh sorry my mistake 'teenager'." she giggles still hanging upside down.

Harry smiles. However it is quickly replaced with a shriek of horror catching everyone's attention.


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