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No one's pov

The unscarred mer stares in the direction you were headed mere minutes ago, stunned and bewildered. He had just witnessed something that ... he can't describe it in a few words.

He started the day like any other. Wake up, report to Megatron, work on something with his partner, heal any dumb deceptisiren that got injured, occasionally race with his automer friend/rival ect. 

Today although was a little different. Megatron had ordered everyone other than the eradisharks and vehisharks to scout Neverland as well as the fragging pirate. He had been assigned to pirate duty unfortanutely as well as two other mers that he would rather not be around. Both can be very ... creepy.

And he could name a million ways he would rather be spending his time other watching a bunch of low life pirates, especialy Hook. He could name a few femmes he knew and loved that he had killed.

But then they shot the cannon. Now that was a nice change of scenery and he saw the human boy himself. Supposed 'protector' of Neverland. However as he stared at the huge white masts of the retched ship he did not see one figure but five. There seemed to be three males and a female, the sparkling he wasn't quit sure about but it could be a femme. The one femme was hilarious! It took everything in the mer to not blow into full laughter and when she did that insulting hand signal followed by the mech scolded her for doing it in front of a sparkling! It was too good to be true.

And then he saw her. A human femme silently floating right above the piece of slag called a captain. Her clothes were interesting to him, he'd seen nothing like it in his life before. Not to mention the way her shiny h/l h/c hair flowed in the wind as though it were water.

But when she dragged the man into the air? That was the 'icing on the cake' as humans say it. He couldn't help but laugh at the scene, thankfully masked by the water along with the crews own laughter.

He watched with amused optics as she dropped him into the sea, catching a few words she spoke. He was about to leave until he noticed she was coming closer. In his direction ... looking straight at him.

Before he knew it she hangs just above him in the air, barely touching the water. He could see her clearly. Big curiouse e/c orbs sparkling like the full moon and cute cheeks.

"Like glowing rubys." at first he just stared back, blinking a few times in confusion until he realised she was talking about his optics. With quit a voice might he add. He had heard some beautiful things in his life but her voice was so ... gentle.

So innocent and sweet, if not even kind and soft. Something he wasn't used too. Threats, orders and his partners humor and playful yet rough voice was all he had. Not to mention when he heard humans it would either be screams of excitement or terror, mostly the prior. There were the acasional threats but then again. Humans: easy to squish and small not to mention dumb. Most of them.

When he noticed you were coming closer he backed away deeper into the depths of the blue waters of Neverland which was unlike him. He would have loved to grab her, drag her down into the water and drown her or maybe even use her against the automers. Yet he didn't. He may be terribly vain and a show off but he isn't stupid. If he took the girl the others would surely come looking for her and the last thing he needs is Megatron trying to scrap him again.

He watched her closely as she proces what she just saw with a confused yet excited expression. If felt like an eternity to him when she finally flew away.

That leads to now.

The mech humms in thought, "Megatron will want to hear about this."

"That is logical." states a emotionless voice

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