The other pirates

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You sigh in satisfaction as you climb into the steaming, hot water. The small tidepools steam rising up into the air, a natural hot spring from multiple lava rivers that flow underneath the island creating a few spots like this. About five large pools sit around the Northern east side of the island, in fact from where you sit you can see skull rock lurking, silently in the distance in dark waters. Its presence however, doesn't faze you.

For the past week -after that encounter with Tarn, his pod and who you now know as Overlord- the mers and your family had been watching you 24/7, honestly it's become a bit much. For the first few days it was comforting having everyone care about you; the shock hadn't completely left and the cuddles really helped. But once you were able to think properly and weren't constantly looking over your shoulder you realised someone was always watching you, mainly a black panther. Ravage had taken a liking to you (not like he'd ever tell you) and tasked himself with watching over you as well as the small human girl. She never told anyone but when you were helping Miko Ravage actually sat next to her. She was so excited to have a new cat friend that could talk she didn't even stop to think if he was dangerous, the panther couldn't deny it's one of the cutest things he's ever seen. Once you spotted him he finally introduced himself, sitting beside you outside of the magical tree and falling asleep on your lap while being pet.

He loved it.

You went to the ocean a few times, at least once a day, and the mers were happy to see you out and about, all showering you with questions as Tailgate kisses and cuddles you like a pup. He thought he lost his cute human baby. Even Whirl was worried, not that anyone knew, and to no one's knowledge a small pod were watching from afar: all interested in you.

For heaven's sake why the bloody hell are mers so fascinated by you? Your just a human for crying out loud! Not some endangered species that went extinct or a baby! Not that you mind Tailgate's cuddles; they're addictive. You need space! Having someone staring at you all the time is unnerving, and you're self conscious so that makes it even worse! Ben and the other's weren't any better.

Peter would always fly above you wherever you go, hiding in nearby clouds if you spot him, Ben made you carry three knives and would sometimes follow you as well (when he actually let you outside), Harry insisted you staged inside and Zioni literally tied to a branch at the top of the tree! You were stuck up there for hours. Even Tinkerbell! She was researching all she could in the fairies' libraries to see if there was some way to shrink a human so that no one could ever find you. Thank goodness it was unsuccessful. [Not yandere!]

You went to the small red Indian village once. It was ... interesting. Many of the locals avoided you, most gazing at you with pity and some giving you gifts. The chief was extatic to see you, giving you a friendly embrace as soon as e saw you. He thre you into the air with joy and caught you bridal style, sitting you down in his tent and making you a cup of herbal mushroom tea. It didn't taste that bad, bitter, but sweet and calming at the same time.

You had actually gone to return the wold fur that he had lent you on the night of the event but he insisted you keep it also giving you a bag of special herbs to make calming tea. He even gave you a name among his people.

Ocean song

You didn't understand but he said you would in due time.

Now Tigerlily, oh boy can she talk. As soon as she realised you were in the village she went racing to her tent, surprised to see you there but then jumping up and down with excitement and talking like she was on a sugar rush. She reminded you of Miko. It was a great day but Peter soon came to take you back home.

But it had to stop. After days of being forced to stay inside and not even look out a window you had enough. Being extra careful you snuck out, much to your surprise; you aren't really the type to do such a thing, and ran all the way here. With you you brought your fur coat, a bar of soap one of the kind elders gave you and a traditional dress from their village. You loved it, not to mention it's really soft and comfortable.

 You loved it, not to mention it's really soft and comfortable

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"Ahh~ This feels great." you sigh in relaxation. You've never been in a actual hotspring before since you've lived in England your whole life and never had the money to go anywhere like that.

"So warm~"

While you lay in the warm waters, eyes closed, a blue and yellow mer swims closer and closer.

His long snake like blue and yellow tail shimmers like jewels under the water, burnt black stripes a burnt raven black. A faded navy spiked gun runs alone it as well as 6 similar guns poke out of the beneath. The upper body, a muscular mer with sharpened claws and four menacing red eyes. The captain of the Deseptisiren's only pirates.

?????? pov

Today has been ... something. Tarn came by my castle to discuss a matter that I had only heard about in rumors at my favourite bar: a little h/c haired human. The rumors were that the flying boy got a new family; one of whom were a sparkling and another a femme that got shot by those stupid excuses for pirates. Even being compared to those filth boils my blood.

Something about saving a human pup from the Prime pod but I am unsure, the rumors are vague and small.

Yet when Tarn cam insisting that we have a 'chat' my reaction was the least bit pleasant. He had slaughtered my men, willing to sacrifice them all in battle and almost killed his own pod member. My medics saved his life and what's the thanks I get? Almost getting all my men skilled by the lost light and Megatron.

I spoke with him -much to my displeasure- outside, a dozen of my men with their arrows and blades ready. But what came next, I can't decide if it is humorous or disgusts me.

He asked if I could help him capture the pathetic creature for him. And when I asked why he said, "It has an enticing voice." of course. This mad mer and his fragging music, it's almost as bad as those corpses of miners hung up like decorations.

Of course I declined and ordered him to leave my territory at once. The nerve!

I needed to clear my head therefore going to those hotsprings for some relaxation. But something else has caught my attention.

Not that long ago I found a strange pendant, a sphere about the size of my eye made out of glass with hundreds of tiny shards of crystals in it attached to a thin silver chain. What's even more interesting is that it has a slight vibration. It continually thumps, certain coloured shards glowing at different times, in an almost spark like beat. Its fascinating and I have searched my collection of books and scrolls for any information on the beautiful treasure. Yet I found nothing.

nearing my favourite spot I surface, my top eyes just above the sea before something catches my interest.

A h/c haired human
I based this me off a blue lipped sea krait aka a blue see snake. I just added a few extra features.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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