I will always be here for you

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Okay before I write this chapter I need to say something. I did research on all of these topics involving drying, jamming [is that even a word?] and whether or not they're edible. I literally researched substitutes for sugar in jam and how to dry flipping seaweed and fruit ect. If i'm going to make this book I want it to be a bit life like.

Whirl: Sure, so going to 'Neverland' and merformers-

Me: I hate you

Whirl: Yeah me to fleshy, me to.


Your pov

With a  last yank I pull off the last of the orange mushrooms from the tree. A sulphur shelf mushroom, a very delicious edible wild mushroom that is supposed to taste very similar to meat. How the heck do I know this stuff? Simple. The book that Peter gave me. I think one of the lost boys were foragers back home, or maybe part of some kind of gatherers.

It's one in the afternoon. I know thanks to my watch that is somehow still working and for the past three hours we've been foredging. We've got a small basket of blackberries, a bag of herbs mainly rosemary and basil and a medium basket of multiple edible mushrooms. The baskets are woven and come in three sizes. Smal: it's the size of a coconut. Medium: a bit bigger that a head. Large: half the size of my back. Thankfully I don't have one of those on today.

Lilly kicks her legs back and forth boredly on the fallen log behind me humming a song.

"Y/n." lilly moans as I sit next to her tugging on my shirt slightly. "I'm bored!"

"So what do you want to do?" I ask, but I already know.

"Scavenge for treasure!" she yells happily with her arms in the air.

"Well then lets go to the beach." I chuckle, ready to go looking for shells and coral. Great minds think alike.

"Yay!" she cheers immediately jumping off the log and walking in the direction of the beach by the tree.

I've made sure that we don't go out of sight from it although that is pretty hard considering its size but rather safe at the moment than sorry. 

I chuckle and catch up with her ruffling her black hair before stealing a berry from the basket in her hands.

"Bad y/n these are for jam!" Lilly scolds smacking my hand away. Just too damn cute.

"Whatever you say little flower." you smile. A while ago Lilly wanted to make some strawberry jam but we had run out of sugar. So I looked up some substitutes and found that honey and fruit juice. It actually worked pretty well and made the jam have an entirely different flavour

"Okie dokie CC." she giggles. Another nickname from her it means Curious Cat. It's pretty self explanatory.

As we make our way to the beach I feel ... something. Maybe someone watching us but I'm not certain. Everytime I think I hear something or see something and look in that direction nothings there. However I did catch sight of a black blur in the corner of my eye.

I didn't show my concern but rather just walked beside Lilly and listened to her talk happily about the mers. We may have only met them yesterday but I can already feel a strong bond with them and Lilly is the same. Even Whirl is okay, yeah he is rude and mean and kinda insensitive but he's okay. I mean he taught me how to make a dagger out of a shell. I even have it right now so that's useful. But I still don't want Lilly getting too close to him.

"Hey y/n?" Lilly asks as we step onto the soft white sand of another beach further to the east of the tree. At least I think it's east. We came this way yesterday

"Yup." I say popping the p.

"Why do you always want to be wi' me an not de others?"

I freeze, shocked by her question.


She looks at me expectantly and awaits my answer.

"I just feel like I have to protect you. Your my sister and I would kill myself if anything bad happened to you."


No one's pov

Suddenly Lilly jumps into your arms much to your surprise and causes to to fall butt first onto the sand.

"NO! Y/n don't die!" Lilly pleads crying into your chest as she clutches tightly to your f/c short sleeved shirt.

You stare at her in shock for a second before sitting up and holding her close to your chest, hugging her gently and shushing her gently whispering "it's okay" and "don't cry Lilly I'm here."

She continues to sob as you lift her face up so that she stares directly into your e/c eyes still with her arms wrapped tightly around your waist.

"I will always be here for you my little flower. That will never change." you say in a motherly tone gently wiping away her tears.

"Promise?" she asks.

"Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." you promise smiling kindly down at her.

She giggles and bearys her head in your chest again.

"I love you y/n." she says.

"Me too you little trouble maker." you say, happy when she giggles and lets go.

"Treasure?" she asks wanting to begin looking for some new trinkets.

"You can for a bit but I've got to go to that seaweed and get some sea urchins."

"Blagh." Lilly says in disgust.

You roll you eyes and stand up with Lilly dropping to the sand and now clinging to your left leg.

"Lilly." you scold playfully earning a giggle from the little black haired girl.

"Yes~" she says innocently. You shake your head and begin walking, with the small child on your leg squealing happily, over to a batch of sand near the destroyed boulders. When you (finally) arrive Lilly releases your leg and runs off to a bunch of washed up seaweed and shells.

You chuckle before taking off your shirt revealing your grey sports bra. You're wearing a pair of light blue shorts as well. tying up your hair (if you can) you make your way over to the water. Unaware of the four pairs of eyes watching you closely.

A panther stares with curiosity at you and your scars, not used to seeing this from a human. Even on Earth he rarely got the opportunity to watch humans interact with each other, other than coworkers, lovers and friends. Never siblings.

Your word at first never phased him, not believing a word that came out your mouth until the little human pup lunged at you. Your motherly tone and demona was astounding to all that saw you at that moment, all knowing for a fact each word was the truth.

The panther draws his attention to the running sparkling, laying on his front paws in a comfortable position atop the branch. A curious mantaray watches with awe as she falls straight onto the sand, moving her arms and legs back and forth to make a sand star! The other two pairs of optics?

They are focused on your figure, a light blue blush on the owners' faces.

Frag they didn't know human femmes could be so cute, beautiful and sexy.

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