Neverland's sky

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Your pov

Without making a sound I go outside, making sure to cover the entrance with a few leaves and fallen petals. Making my way to the small hill at the edge of the island right by the sea I loo back on what my life has been like till now. I may have not had friends or a biological family but I had auntie, Ben, Zioni, Harry, Lilly and now Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.

With a smile I finally make it to the edge. I look out over the small hill at the edge of the island. Just in front of it a group of tidepools with bioluminescent algae, coral and creatures, only a six or seven meter drop. I feel a sense of security, a warm embrace cover me whenever I look at Neverland's ocean and sky. I feel like I'm free.


No one's pov

The milky way sky almost seems to move as you stare at the swirls of red, blue and yellow in awe with your mouth slightly agape and eyes reflecting it's magnificens. Stars litter the sky, twinkling like feries. You sit down at the edge of the small hill, legs dangling over the tidepools swaying back and forth like a child's. Your red leaf cast reflects the light of the glowing flora and fauna beneath you with a fiery glow. The red leaves and vines begin to move like the flames of a fire, covering your arm in a warm clow that is both fierce and welcoming sending a warmth throughout your whole body and banishing any negative thoughts along with the cold. However you don't notice.

You are to mesmerized by the colourful galaxy overhead. You don't even feel the eye's watching you.

An octomet along with the rest of his small pod. he stares at you or more specifically your flaming arm in wonder and surprise.

"Wow! Y/n's on fire!" Miko squeels excitedly, having the old mer shush her resceaving an eye roll from the teen.

"How is she not noticing?" Jack asks, perplexed that you haven't seen the flames engulfing your arms. It must not hurt if your okay. Or maybe you're paralyzed.

"{I think those are some of the leaves from that giant tree. I remember collecting some when I was a pup before the war and a red one once glowed kinda like that}" Bumblebee chirps.

"It think you are right Bumblebee." Optimus agrees watching you closely. So you are the human who saved Miko. Bumblebee and Bulkhead were right: you are cute.

June quickly turns her head, hearing a distant splash behind them. She looks in the direction. Spotting nothing she focuses her attention back to you, however missing a second splash from that direction.

One made by a megalodon shark mer.

"Is it me or does the kid look like she's ... at peace or something?" Bulkhead questions.

"Nope. Not just you boulders for brains." A deep voice chuckles from behind them.

Pod prime quickly whip around, in defencive mode as soon as they see who it is.

The Nemesis pod.

"Optimus." Megatron greets.

"Megatron." the prime greets back.

Knockout sighs at the intense stare down they have with each other, "For Primus' sake. The wars over can you please just stop."

Both leaders stay quiet and turn to your silent form, still staring at the stars.

Knockout sighs in relief, Breakdown patting his mate on the back before both turning to you. Knockout's mouth falls to the water and eye's turn the size of boulders. it's you.

"Breakdown it's her!" the cherry red betta mer shakes his hammerhead shark mate's arm pointing at you.

All the mers from both pods stare at the two.

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