Winter is coming

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No one's pov

The rest of the day was spent by you and Lilly getting to know the pod members of the Lost Light. Ultra Magnus and Whirl both soon came to meet you, shocked to find you already know their names. Whirl will never admit it but he likes you, not in a romantic way if you even suggest that he'll probably go all psycho but as a friend. Kinda.

He thinks it's badass that you have a knife, even though it's so small and blunt as well as you quickly learned from him how to make a dagger out of a shell. Most of the Lost Light were tempted to drag the crazy mer away from you but decided against it after seeing you talking to him. Barely anyone that he just met can gain his trust let alone not be insulted. Well he did insult you a few times but you talked to him none alles and snapped at him once. Yeah that insult made the mech have a sliver of respect for you.

Brainstorm was fascinated by your leaf boots since he had seen the test run and his inner scientist was showing. 

Lilly spent her time with all the mers except for Whirl ... the poor girl is terrified by him. Who wouldn't be he has a giant eye and looks really creepy with his three clawed fingers on each hand.

At the end of the day however both of you had to head home. Wishing your new friend goodbye you left for the tree, promising them you will come back the day after tomorrow to meet them again.

Now how do the mers see the two human femmes?

Rodimus likes you both. He was ecstatic to meet the two of you, trying to hog you for most of the day by talking to you about his life as the leader of the pod. He ... accidently told you a bit of his troubles. You are such a good listener and by mistake he told you of his fear of not being good enough, of endangering his pod members and being a bad leader. But what shocked him is that you reassured him. You, a human who had never seen one of his specie before this very day helped him. Your words were even more shocking. If he didn't know better he would have said you were an elder or leader. Your words were so wise and warmed his spark to the core. He knew at that moment that he had found a human that Optimus had talked about. One that is young and caring yet honest and just, a pup of the human race who see the world through eyes of one much older than themselves.
He played catch with Lilly along with a few other mers. Yup he is protecting this pup and no mer or human is going to harm her.

Naticiau talked to you for a bit, asking mostly about boats and their engines along with other mechanical questions that you couldn't answer. She had played with Lilly and fell in love with her. She couldn't help but hug the little black haired human closely while churring and purring happily.

Brainstorm has found someone that finally takes interest in his scientific discoveries and holds a curiosity that rivals his. He never played with Lilly but found her cute.

Rung never got the opportunity to talk to you but could already tell you were a good person. Being a Physiatrist has its benefits. He spent most of his time with Lilly, enjoying the pure happiness and childish nature of hers.

Perceptor ... he went back to his cave.

Ultra Magnus simply watched from afar. Keeping an optic on you and Lilly throughout the day, monitoring your actions and behaviour. He deemed you both as 'acceptable humans' although the energy he saw from the sparkling reminded him of a human wrecker he once fought with.

Skids and Swerve had a blast, both talking to you about the bar and overjoyed at your curiousity and questions. Both played with Lilly and secretly they were wondering if she was made of energy. 'Aren't human pups supposed to run out of energy?" Skids had asked. You laughed and told them how Lilly when having fun could play for hours none stop with no rests and then sleep like the dead at night.

Chromedome and Rewind like the both of you. Chromedome mostly watched as his small mate asked many questions to you, all the while recording, and cuddled with Lilly. It made his spark shine at his happiness, also enjoying the short conversation the two of you had about hs needles.

Drift just played with Lilly the whole time. He couldn't get enough of her cute laughter!

Cyclonus trusts you and likes Lilly. Tailgate is in love with your cuteness and won't stop cuddling, literally most of the time you were talking he was cuddling you. Not that you minded you love a good cuddle and he is really warm.

That night they all made a decision: y/n and Lilly will become honorary members of their pod!

Now about Peter's, Ben's, Harry's and Zioni's day ... It was interesting. They had caught a few rabbits who were put in a bag to be cooked for dinner later and collected many edible plants and mushrooms. Yet when they decided at noon to go fishing things started to get a little strange. They often got a small yank on their bamboo fishing rods only to find nothing at the end of the hook. Harry got splashed by waves every thirty or so minutes and Zioni was pulled into the water! Peter swore he heard laughing and saw a streak of red and black. Ben had caught a fish and placed it behind him only to find it missing ten minutes later.

At the end of the day they had caught 15 fish ... and only 7 didn't disappear. That night you helped salt the fish, Peter showing you how to properly preserve them using salt and hung them out to dry.

You and Lilly did tell them that you had met mermaids, however you only spoke of Tailgate and Naticiau, not the others. You both agreed to keep them a secret from the others until the found out themselves. Just your little secret~

You all had rabbit stew for dinner although Lilly was hesitant at first. You all had to say that it was 'hare' stew, not rabbit. If she knew she would be yelling at you all for a long time.

Peter took this time to tell you all of Neverland's winter. It only lasts a few months. Snow covers the island and the sea freezes over for about a mile. Animals go into hibernation and plants freeze.

Oh and it's coming in two weeks and the only food they have in storage are 7 drying fish, a small basket of berries and a sack of mushrooms.

You all have a lot of work cut out for you but you will all manage.

It was decided he [peter], Ben and Zioni would go hunting each day to bring back meat which will be dried for the winter. Harry will go along to collect any edible plants on the way. You and Lilly will be working along the coast line near the tree. Gathering any edible plants and fishing so that you could fry them. He also asked if you could collect sea urchins from a small seaweed forest just a few meters away from the shore. He told you that they are really delicious and are good for you however he did warn you to be careful of their spikes and mouths.

Those are the jobs you all will have to work tirelessly to complete in the next two weeks so that winter will not be too harsh.

But are you sure you can fish with a few troublesome mers?


I am sorry if this is bad I wrote it at 11 at night.

And I just want to say I love all your comments! It's wonderful to read them and a lot get a smile on my face.

So thank you to everyone who makes my day!

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